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"Sometimes tears are a sign of unspoken happiness, and a smile is a sign of silent pain."


A few months later, with a stronger friendship with a black-haired maniac

   You laughed as Dabi nearly tripped over a shoe, almost dropping a stack of books.

   "SOMEBODY NEEDS TO KEEP THIS PLACE CLEAN!" He yelled, glaring at his comrades who sat in the living room, each doing their own thing, paying no mind to Dabi.

   "So why don't you, Dabi?" You giggled, earning a glare from him.

   "I'm too busy making sure you don't fucking die."

   "True." You said thoughtfully, wrapping an arm around his shoulder with a smile, your wings tightly pressed to your back.

   "C'mon, let's get these books back on the shelf." You said, taking the stack from him and sliding each book on the bookshelf against the wall, followed by Shigaraki's gaze, before he turned back towards the TV, switching it to the news channel.

   "Apparently Hawks saved another bunch of students after another one of your failed attempts to capture All Might." Dabi said to Shigaraki, sitting down as he pulled you down beside him, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

   Shigaraki grumbled, glaring at Dabi with his red eyes, scratching at a spot on his neck.

   "Ewwwww." You giggled. "Tomura, stop picking at your skin, it's disgusting, and it'll leave scars!"

   He looked at you, and his gaze softened slightly, which Dabi definitely noticed, causing his grip on you to tighten slightly. You looked at Dabi, making eye contact with him, and he smiled lightheartedly at you.

   "Want to go back to my room and help me clean it?" He asked, provoking a giggle from you.

   "Sure." You replied, escaping his grasp and flying out of the bar and towards the apartment building, hearing Dabi's laughter as he sprinted below you.

   Landing at the door to the run-down building, you smiled as Dabi slowed into a trot as he made his way next to you, playfully punching your shoulder. "Now that wasn't fair." He laughed, and you laughed as well.

   "Actually, it is fair. you're just slow, dumbass." You giggled, before continuing. "Maybe it's all those staples weighing you down! I ought to start lifting more weights so I can carry you around to prevent Shigaraki from yelling at you any more than he already does!"

   Dabi smirked at you, opening the door and holding it open with one hand, forcing you to walk around him, closer than necessary. As you passed him, you felt warm, inhaling and catching the faint scent of liquor and campfire. The black-haired villain noticed this, and grinned a toothy grin as he let the door shut behind him.

   As the two of you walked up two flights of stairs to his room, you chatted about random nonsense, Dabi making a few jokes.

   He opened the door to his room, and you flopped down on the old mattress, hearing a few creaks and groans from the springs.

   "Ugh, how do you sleep on this, it's so uncomfortable--I feel like any second I'm going to be impaled by a spring." You grumbled. "I'm totally buying you a new bed after we clean this dump you call a room."

   "Such disrespect! Didn't anyone ever tell you to respect your elders?" He chuckled, picking you up before laying down where you had just been, holding you to his chest as he inhaled and exhaled slowly, his breathing somewhat raspy.

   "Aren't we going to clean your room?"

   "Nope. I'm having a nap, because I'm tired. Hopefully your sweet flowery scent will lull me to sleep." He teased, making you blush furiously. He was intentionally trying to get you flustered, and you weren't going to back down so easily.

   "I don't think I'd ever fall asleep without a kiss goodnight, Dabi. . .Why don't you fulfill my wish so that I can also take a nap? You're muscular body is so much more comfortable that the old mattress. . ." You hummed--you weren't lying when you had said that his body was comfortable; he felt like a big pillow.

   Dabi wrapped an arm around your back, sliding a hand under your shirt, rubbing circles on the bare skin.

   "Gladly, doll. . ." He murmured, his voice deep and, though you hated to admit it, sounded quite attractive. He sat up, meeting your gaze as you studied his cerulean eyes, before he gently pressed his lips to yours, just barely brushing your lips, before pulling away with a playful smirk--your face had gone bright red, and you had leaned slightly forward, as though you wanted more.

   You blinked, and slowly spoke in a shaky voice. "I- w-what- h-huh- Dabi I-"

   He cut you off by pressing a finger against your lips. "Hush, doll, I'm trying to sleep."

   While Dabi's eyes were closed and his breathing slowed as he slipped into unconsciousness, you hummed softly, thinking to yourself about what it would be like to date the serial killer who's chest you lay upon. Shaking your head, you cleared your mind, and snuggled closer to Dabi, closer to the warmth of his body that his quirk provided, closer to sleep.

Words: 845

So, as you can clearly see from the addition of this new chapter, I've gotten motivation to continue An Ocean of Tears!
This story is no longer discontinued, but updates will be few and far between, so don't go fucking nuts if another chapter is posted soon after this one is! I'm going to reread this story so that I can come up with some other concepts, so bear with me here!
Anyway, with that, I hope you enjoyed the eighth chapter of An Ocean of Tears after the long wait you have all suffered!
Happy reading!


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