Chapter Fifteen

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L had brought me to the school nurse who didnt know how to help, after being taken to the hospital the doctors said I had some sort of amnesia but didnt know how. " Meg do you remember me?" L asked " Yeah, your Ryuzaki my-" the door opened to Light " Ah hello Light" " What did the doctor say?" " She has amnesia he isnt sure how so hes going to run some tests". " What are you doing?" " I'm asking Meg some simple questions to see what she remembers. You were saying Meg" " You're Ryuzaki, you're my boyfriend " I smiled. Lights eyes widened " Hes your new boyfriend?!" Light yelled at me. " Light please don't yell, she doesn't remember you, you'll frighten her".

L rubbed my hand, L asked me a bunch of questions about myself, my school work, my family and I knew it all. The only thing I couldn't remember was this Light guy, " Megami, this is Light Yagami. He's a childhood friend of yours" L introduced me to Light. " I don't remember you, were we close?" I asked " We were best friends" he said sadly. " Light you were in that cloest talking with her, was she acting normal when she went inside?" L asked. " Yeah, she was fine. Then she suddenly forgot who I was" " Did she hit her head?" " No, she was perfectly still and normal then suddenly gone" " This is interesting. Thank you Light" " What's going to happen to her?" " She'll need some scans of her brain, but its not normal for something like this to happen " " Will she be okay?". " She'll be fine, you can go home I'll stay here with her".

She actually did it! What the hell?! Why would she want to forget me like this?! " Who's Light?" Hearing her say that cut like a knife. Ryuzaki took her to the nurse while I stayed in the cloest, " What the hell was that? Why would you help her?" I asked Ryuk " She wanted to revoke the death note, so I took away all her memories of the death note and Kira" " Bring them back" " I cant do that, I can. But not by your orders" " Then how?" " She needs to touch the death note in order to regain her memories". " With Ryuzaki by her side, how am I meant to get her to touch it?" I sighed " You're the genius, use that big brain of yours" I scoffed before walking out of the cloest.

The nurse told me Ryuzaki took Meg to the hospital so I followed. " Why do you care if she remembers you or not?" Ryuk asked " Because I love her, and I want her to be apart of my life". " Sounds more like obsession than love" " Why do you care?" I snapped at him. " I actually like Meg, she's fun. I don't get why you can't just move on, she's said she doesn't want to be with you, so why do you keep trying?" " Because she's the girl I've wanted since I was a kid, I'm not letting her go that easily" " What about that Misa chick?" " She doesn't matter, she's just one of my pawns".

I made it to her hospital room, and just as I thought Ryuzaki was right beside her. He told me to leave and I sighed " I'll go, but as a friend, can I have a hug?" I asked Meg. She looked at me confused before slowly nodding and hugging me awkwardly. I touched her skin with a small page from the death note before pulling away and hiding it in my pocket. Megami's eyes widened as she took a deep breath and looked around frantically.

I gasped for air as all my memories flooded to the front of my head. I looked around confused before looking at Light, " Light?" " You remember me?" He looked shocked " This is extremely interesting". I knew what Light had done and I was pissed, but I couldn't act normal it would make both Light and me suspicious. I grabbed my head and winced in pain " You alright Meg?" L grabbed my hand " My head really hurts, what happened?" " You were having a conversation with Light in a cloest in school. Then you seemed to forget him"

I looked at him confused " That's not possible, did I hit my head or something?" " No, you just suddenly forget, what were you talking to Light about?" L raised his eyebrow in a warning. " I was telling him to leave me alone because I had a new boyfriend", Light's face frowned " Its true". L looked intrigued and turned to Light, " That seems to make you angry" " It does " " Is it bold to assume you were angry enough to say....hit-" " I would never put my hands on her! What do you take me for?! I'm only mad because I love her!". " But she doesn't love you back" " No, she'd rather be with your scrawny ass!" " Oh you already know, good".

" Good?! That's all you have to say to me?" " Maybe you should leave, you're becoming a little aggressive". Light grabbed L by the shirt, I grabbed Light's hand quickly. " Light let him go" " What-" " I do love you Light, you've been my best friend since we were kids and what we had was special but that's over now. You were the one who ended it". " I never-" " Once you brought Misa into your life, when you made her your girlfriend, you ended our relationship. That hurt Light, even after all the hurt you gave me I still care about you. I want to keep you in my life, but I can't have you as a partner after you betrayed me. After the loyalty I had for you was betrayed, I still want to have you in my life as a friend but I can't do that if you keep acting like this. So please Light, it's time you picked a side, keep acting like this and lose me forever, or grow up and become my friend. The choice is yours, but for now you need to leave".

Light looked at me speechless before letting L go, he slowly made his way out of the room and left. I sighed in relief and turned to L, " You know we need to have a talk", " I didn't tell him anything I swear" " It is very suspicious". " I know, I know. But I promise, I didn't tell him anything. I only told him to leave me alone because I had a new boyfriend" " You swear?" " I swear on our lives Ryuzaki" " I believe you, now rest. Your head seems to need it". I lied down and closed my eyes, you have no fucking idea.

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