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After a while, Mafuyu had calmed down. He had used all his little strategies he often turned to when he got upset like that, and it was much easier with Uenoyama with him. So there he sat, sitting in his lover's lap and basking in his warm embrace while he fiddled with his little cube.

They had both decided it would be best to push their problems aside until a later date. It was too much to think about all at once, so they were going to work through it slowly in little bursts here and there. Uenoyama was glad to have his normal, calm, Mafuyu back, and Mafuyu was glad to be feeling better and feeling loved. That feeling of being wanted and loved was what he missed most of all when Yuki passed away. He didnt get that sort of feeling from his family for obvious reasons.

Sato mindlessly started humming again, making up a little tune and adding to it as he went. He imagined him and the rest of his bandmates playing it together, and he smiled to himself.

Uenoyama kissed his cheek, very grateful to see him smiling again. "Whatcha thinking about?" He asked, wondering what could make him so happy at a time like this.

"The band... and you.." Mafuyu mumbled happily, looking at his boyfriend. "Sometimes I still cant believe it... I have someone to love again... It's great to have any person to love, but it's way better when it's you, Uenoyama-kun." Mafuyu smiled a little wider and blushed.

Uenoyama felt his face get hot and he blushed as well. "Thank you... I feel the same way about you." Mafuyu was Uenoyama's first love, after all. What they had was so special, and he wouldnt change it for the world.

Deep down, Mafuyu wasn't feeling much better. He was even deceiving himself, not willing to admit that he didn't know how to handle all this. Still, he decided not to think about it in the meantime, sighing.

He had an ache in his heart. A nagging ache that wouldn't go away. He felt it deep in his chest and it kept his breathing shallow along with his rib injuries. He laid in Uenoyama's arms, secretly still utterly terrified for what was coming for him next.

A few days later, it was his dreaded visitation day once again. "Bye, mom... Bye, Uenoyama-kun... he hugged his mom and gave Uenoyama a quick kiss before walking out the door. This time, he wore baggy jeans and a big hoodie that just so happened to be Uenoyama's. Not only would they cover his bruises better, but they would bring him at least a bit of comfort.

He arrived at his father's house after limping his way there and knocked on the door, keeping extremely silent and still. His father answered the door, dragged him inside, and smacked him across the face right away. Now, once again, he had a nose bleed.

The difference was, this time, he didnt react to it. He didnt even flinch. He saw it coming and felt deserving of it.

"What the fuck is wrong with you??" His father asked, slapping him again and still getting no reaction. "Cry or something, you fucking idiot! When you're hit, you don't just- just- sit there!" To him, it wasn't fun unless he got to see the pain and hear his cries. "Answer me goddamn it!!!"

Mafuyu sighed and slowly spoke up. "I'm not scared." He mumbled. "I already know what's coming, and I deserve this." His voice was flat and monotone, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little scared. Sure, not as much as last time, but still timid and fearful.

That angered Akio so much. That made his blood boil and his temper rise. Without even thinking, he started pounding Mafuyu with his fists all up and down his body, making sure to fracture a rib or two in the process. He hit a lot harder than last time, and it caught Mafuyu off guard as he scrambled to get away from his beating.

Akio didnt hold up until he saw Mafuyu's face go blue. He kept punching him until he was about to pass out from lack of air.

Once he was finally done, Mafuyu gasped for air and used his hands to catch some blood he was coughing up. "Oh my god.." he mumbled, not meaning to. He never thought it would be this bad. He thought that last time was the worst of it. He kept coughing blood, getting it all over the carpeted living room floor. He kept coughing and coughing, gripping his shirt tightly as if to grab at his lungs.

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