Why Do People Do This?

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Almost all horror movies are based on a true story, and start with some idiot playing with an ouija board, or interfering with the spirit world--some kind of thing like that. And I will never understand why those people even meddle with the other world in the first place. Sure it seems cool and dangerous, but they don't think of the repercussions.

It's the same thing in life; if you have to take a test, you don't cheat because you know the circumstances if you get caught. You don't intentionally disobey your parents, because you understand the risk.

So why don't those people apply everyday common sense to deal with these things? If you summon a spirit, you're basically opening a gateway that ANY entity can pass through to get to your world. And there's always the risk of an entity being evil, or a demon.

Plus, in order to get a ghost to leave, you have to send them off with a PROPER goodbye, else they stay and possibly haunt you.

Some of them even want an offering in order to guarantee their departure, which can include human sacrifices, to promising them your own soul.

So please, DO NOT meddle in the spirit world, otherwise things can get ugly.

Short Horror Stories (Original Works, Mostly)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon