Chapter Four.

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I froze. ”Easy, maybe with the help of Google?” I said like it was the answer to the question written on my forehead.

“But we just met a couple of hours ago.” Harry’s smirk getting wider by the second.

“Starbucks Wi-Fi.”  I stated, trying really hard to sound as blunt as I hoped.

Thankfully, ”Ahh” was his simply reply, leaving the subject to be.

An awkward silence filled the room until Harry spoke up again; ”So, what'd the media say about my new tattoo?” 

“Urgh, Harry you're so impossib-”

G U N S H O T .

A loud gun shot was fired. 


FROZEN AGAIN, I couldn't process anything that was happening this very second. FOR FUCK'S SAKE FENITIA, FOCUS! I blinked my eyes rapidly in an effort to analyze in a matter of seconds. 

A gun shot was fired.

I could see a man standing from a distance with a gun.

The boys are also frozen; all eyes wide and mouths shaped in a perfect “O”. 

Nobody looked like they were hurt though.

But Niall,

His laughter and smile faltered almost immediately and looked over to his band mates then to me. He touched a part of his back and felt what everyone had feared; Blood; the sight of his fingertips covered in a haunting crimson color, leaving everyone to gasp.


I didn't know what came over me as I grabbed the nearest possible weapon which was a stick by the door, it was a mop 2 seconds ago but I had to do it. It's not much but it had to suffice. And I pulled open the door of the van and ran towards the person who did the assault. I remembered a disarming technique I learned during my stay at the Philippines.  

I struck my rake at his arm and kicked out his gun in one swift motion, enough to turn around to strike him at the base of his head and sent him down to hit the concrete ground.

 As I thought he was unconscious, the bastard tugged on my foot and caused me to fall flat on my back. Instincts taking over, I kicked the side of his face, turned and grabbed his gun, and stood up even before he got the chance to move at all. 


I looked over to the direction of the voice. 


…lying on his chair in a pool of blood. 

I cringed, telling myself I have to get used to the sight for the upcoming days.

“We have to get him to the hospital.” said Liam, frantically dialing numbers on his phone.

“There's one down the street!” Zayn quickly suggested.

Harry took a groaning Niall into his arms but changed his mind and lay Niall down on his back which was covered in red.

“Aren't you going to help?!” He practically shouted to the other boys.

I ran over to Niall's other side. We tried our hardest to get to the destination before it's too late. The boys were terrified so obviously, being the mature one, I had to take this situation at hand. I told the boys to whisper to Niall encouragingly a lot on the way; enough to keep him awake and not more to give him a headache. 

We hurried in the painfully familiar building as Liam ran straight to the desk to sort out things.Niall was immediately rushed into a room with nurses telling the boys to stay outside.


My eyes opened during the dragging journey, I saw the faces of the boys and a girl I couldn't try to remember and stared at them through blurry vision before letting them close again.

Silence. Darkness.

My eyes re-opened in the hospital, where I could hear people yelling – no, screaming – my name. I looked around briefly until I found the source of the screaming. The boys… my mates, Harry… Zayn… Liam… Louis… and the girl I saw earlier was being held down to a hospital bed, her arm hooked up to an IV, her face pale and her eyes wild as she watched me get wheeled past her.

Niall...” She managed to whisper before her eyes fell closed again. Soon, my own eyes followed the same action.

Silence. Darkness.

I woke up to a blinding light. I blinked to adjust my eyes, finding a clock next to me that said 3:54AM. There was also an IV hooked up to my arm. Before I started to panic, I searched around for the button that calls a nurse. Not all my senses are functioning properly, nothing but my weak sense of sight and numbness of limbs. What the hell happened?

I remembered seeing the boys, my best mates and that's it.


I shuffled on the hospital bed slowly, wondering how I ever ended up in this stupid hospital gown; no wonder I felt so cold. I tried whatever I could do to gain some comfort. Just as I was planning to stand from the bed, the door began to open slowly.

“Niall?”  I heard a low voice say. Is there really something wrong with my hearing and that all I hear lately is my name?

In came, 3 good-looking guys dressed up very ridiculously.

The first was in a brown academy-ish blazer with a red shirt underneath and a pair of dark trousers, topped off with a mop of curls. Then I noticed this was my band mate, Harry. Harry s... Styles. I tensed a bit at the thought that I didn't recognize my four best friends immediately as they walked in; Harry Styles, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson.

They looked better, their faces weren’t as pale as mine and their eyes weren't all wild, but they all looked equally as tired and worried.

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