Chapter 1

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(This is set in 1997)

Lily and Narcissa are best friends and they have been for a very long time, they got married together they went to the same place for their honeymoons and they are also pregnant together and due on the same day, Lucius and James are also best friends but they haven't known each other all their lives like Narcissa and Lily but they have been friends since 3rd grade.

Severus and Sirius are best friends and have been since the 5th grade, Remus and Sirius are in love with each other but they are completely clueless of each other's love, Severus is in love with Lily and has been since they were kids but she chose James.

Narcissa and Lily fell pregnant on the 14th of September at exactly the same time, Narcissa is pregnant with baby Draco and Lily is pregnant with baby Harry, they are both due on 15th June next year, 1998.


*15th of June, 1998*
It's finally the day the boys are gonna be born, Narcissa and Lily's water broke at the same time, so now they are in the car with James and Lucius, with Lily and Narcissa at the back and James and Lucius in the front and Severus and Sirius following behind, they reached the hospital rather quickly and Sev and Lucius helped Narcissa while Sirius and James helped Lily once they were in the hospital, James and Lucius screamed "we're having babies over here" 2 nurses came over with wheelchairs and took them away and James and Lucius followed and James said "they wanna share a room, they would like to give birth in the same room" the nurses nodded and brought them into a private looking room, Lily screamed out "James, I'm gonna fucking kill you" while Narcissa screamed out "Lucius I'm gonna fucking kill you" then together they said "I fucking hate you" they were placed on the beds and James and Lucius were asked to leave, but Lily and Narcissa asked if they could stay since they are the fathers, so they were allowed to stay, James went to Lily's side while Lucius went to Narcissa's side and they both squeezed the men's hands hard and screamed.

*2 hours later*
It's been 2 hours and Lily and Narcissa are finally ready to give birth, so they started pushing and breathing when the doctor told them too, after an hour of pushing both women had their baby boys in their arms and they were feeding them they both looked at each other and smiled, Narcissa holding her son, Draco Lucius Malfoy and Lily holding her son, Harry James Potter, they asked Lucius and James to get Sev and Sirius in, so the men went and got the other 2 men and brought them in and Lily said to Sirius "Sirius Black, say hello to your godson" he said "I don't know what to say, thank you so much Lily, it means so much to me" Narcissa said to Severus "Severus Snape, say hello to your godson" Snape said "thank you, it means a lot to me too".

Now if your wondering who is older, well Harry is by 2 minutes, Harry was born at 3:30 AM and Draco was born at 3:32 AM.

As for the Dursleys, Petunia gave birth to Dudley, a year ago and Vernon, well he just sits on his ass all day eating cake and sweets and every food he can get his hands on, Dudley is still a baby, so he eats baby food.

(Sorry for all the time skips)
*a year later, 1999*
It's been a year since Harry and Draco were born and they still haven't said their first word yet since they are only 12 months, as for Dudley well he's 2 and has been given to the Potter's to take care of because Vernon and Petunia kidnapped little Harry and hurt him, they had him for a month, they didn't give him food and they beat the poor baby with a fucking belt, they had a hiding spot which Lily and James couldn't find, then they realised that they put a tracking device in Harry's blanket and it's silent and doesn't make any noise and was pretty well hidden, anyway so James and Lily found their son in a hidden warehouse and saw Vernon's fat ass beating Harry with a belt so James roughed him up pretty good while Lily picked up her baby and called the police and told them exactly what happened and now the Dursleys are in jail and will stay there for 20 years, the Potter's got full custody of Dudley, so Harry is gonna grow up with his cousin.

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