4: revisiting

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"You heard me Suzy, we're going back! After 12 years, I've had an even better job opportunity that's been offered over there. Pack your things!"

Tears couldn't help but form in my eyes and I went back upstairs to pack my things. I couldn't handle this

After all the pain I went through moving away, just to ruin my life here to go back there?!?

I picked up my phone and called Louis

"Heyy Suz! How are you?"

"I'm moving back, wanna come with me?"

"Hold on, hold on, you're moving back where?"

"Back to the south, where I lived as a young kid. To my early childhood. You in or not?"

"Let me just pack, my dad won't mind. He won't even know"

"Okay, meet me tomorrow at the park"

"See you there"

I ended the call and started packing my own stuff. I had boxes, but not a lot. I've even packed a backpack for the two hour journey there. I have maps on my phone, a charger in my truck, I'm all set.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm, and subconsciously hit it until it shut up. Cats were beeping outside, and everything was chaotic, as usual. Another London day.

I started filling up my truck with my boxes and my mum came outside to see what was going on.

"What are you doing Suzy?"

"Well mum, I don't really fancy being in a two hour car journey with you and your perfect family, so I'm driving on my own"

"Fine, suit yourself"

She stormed back inside and I finished loading my stuff. As soon as I finished, Louis started shouting.

"Oi Suzy, where we headed then?" He screamed loud enough for the neighbors to file a complaint

"Pipe down, and you know where we're going dumbass. It's gonna take two hours though, just going to warn you."

"That's fine by me, at least we're getting away from this shithole called London" he seemed so happy

My mum rushed outside again and pulled me aside

"What is that imbecile doing here?"

"Mum, you're taking your life, so I'm taking mine. Louis is one of the only good friends I have here thanks to you, so he's coming with us"


"No buts" I cut her off quickly, "he's going or I'm staying, your choice"

"Why do you have to be such a pain"

"Maybe because you've neglected me ever since Gerald came into our lives"

"Suzy will you stop with that? You isolated yourself, okay? Now just get going, we'll be driving in a few"

I stormed over to the car and got in, Louis not far behind me. We drove off and listened to some music.

"Well she's something, isn't she?"

"Yeah, that's my mother for you"

We sung song lyrics loudly - and terribly- until we had to stop at a station. I refilled the petrol while Louis took a toilet break

"Want anything from the shop?"

"Get me some food, would you?" He asked

"Sure, I'll get you something"

I went inside the shop, paid for everything and returned to the truck.

We drove for a bit in a comfortable silence until my mum texted me

"When you get there, we're staying at the hotel for a bit until we find a house, okay?"

"We're staying in a shitty hotel room, okay Louis?"

"That's alright with me, let's get this party started!"

He put the songs back on and started singing along. I couldn't help but join in again. This is what car journeys are for.


We finally arrived. I booked our room in the hotel, we stayed for a bit, flipping through channels.

"This is so boring Suzy. Isn't there ANYTHING else to do?"

"We can go to the forest if you want"

"No, forests are so boring"

"Well I'm sure there'll be something to do, let's go take a look around."

So we left the room and wandered around for a bit. I still remember where to go, which is strange. It was like walking through a dream

I convinced Louis to walk through the forest with me. It's so nice to be in a calm country, this was heaven compared to London

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

Somebody gently tapped me on the shoulder

I slowly turned around to be greeted with a familiar face

Peppa Pig

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