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"Mummy, what are you looking at?"

"These are some very important letters about work, Suzy. I might get a new job!"

"Wow, that's boring"

"Well, if I get this new job, we'll be moving!"

"Oh yay! Will Peppa come with us?"

"Erm, no Suzy. We'll be moving house, just us two, like it's always been"

"Oh, okay. Let me go tell Peppa!"

I cycled all the way to peppas house and knocked on the door, to which Daddy Pig answered

"Oh, hello Suzy! Have you come round to play?"

"Yes, and I've got some very good news to tell Peppa!"

"Oh, do come in!"

I went inside, took my shoes off and ran upstairs to peppas bedroom.


"Suzy, hi!"



"I KNOW! Do you want to play?"


We went outside and played for a bit, when my mummy drove to the house. She went inside and had tea with Mummy Pig, like she does most Saturdays


After playing for a while, I got quite thirsty. So we went inside and I got a glass of water

"Suzy, your mummy just told me the good news! Are you excited to move?"

"So we're definitely moving?" I asked

"Yes Suzy, I just got a call saying I got the job!" Mummy said, she sounds so happy.

"Oh goodie! We won't be too far away from play school, right?"

"Actually Suzy, we're moving quite far away."

"We'll still be near peppa though, right mummy?" I asked, though I still felt in doubt about that

My mum had a sad look on her face, and I realized we're actually moving, and we won't be coming back.

I ran upstairs and started crying, I didn't want to lose my best friend of 5 years. I'd miss her too much.

Why would this happen? Would I ever see Peppa again?

I sat there and cried for what felt like an eternity, when mummy came upstairs and told me it's time to go. We're moving in a couple of days, she'll start work as soon as she can.

So I got in the car and headed home to start packing away.


Filling the boxes with my stuff, I couldn't help but think of how much I'm going to miss this place. I'm angry at work for being so far away, but that's not a good excuse

Mummy's trying her best, and I have to accept that.


(Time skip to a day before they leave)

Tomorrow is the day. 2 hours, the car journey will take. We're having a big goodbye party, and as fun as it seems, I'm going to miss everyone

We arrived at the party, and there were so many gifts. Mummy let me open all of them. There were many games for the journey, good luck cards, alcohol for mummy, toys for me and so many goodbye cards

But the hardest thing was when Peppa gave me her gift.

It was her fairy crown, and her own personalized card saying goodbye.

"It's my favourite crown" Peppa said, sniffling

"Oh thankyou, I'm going to miss you so much Peppa" I said, tearing up

"Oh, don't go Suzy!" Peppa cried, tears falling from her eyes.

She embraced me in a tight hug, and I didn't want to let go. But I had to. This was it. Our friendship was only going to go downhill from here

Forever My Lover | Peppa x Suzy Where stories live. Discover now