Chapter 5: Useful Technology

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"How much further?"

"Shut up!" one of them stage whispered. "We're getting too close for you to keep on whining!"

The group traveled deep into the forest. They had moved pretty quickly in just one night, he would give them that. Actually, he would have to make note of that. It was always a good thing to keep track of enemies like these. They tended to have a pattern in their movements.

One of them held a stone that was glowing. It was a faint red color, blinking to show them all where to go. The leader was smart enough to keep it hidden from the outside world. But he had some really good eyes.

"Stop," one of them put an arm out for all of his friends. Those hard eyes scanned the area, trying to look through the shadows with laser vision that he didn't have. "Come out beast! We know you're there."

It was almost too funny that it took him that long to notice him. Then again, this group had been dumb enough to not even notice a werewolf on their tail at one point. He was wondering what that werewolf was going to do. It would have been interesting to see how well she fought against them. That would have been something that he would have wanted to jot down too. His old home had so many new facts about it. It was fascinating.

"I'm so proud of you," he clapped, staying in the shadows. "It only took you an entire night to figure out that you were being followed. I should give you a trophy."

The group all pulled out their weapons. It was knives and bows. He almost laughed at them, but the wind changed for a second, allowing him to truly get a good look at them. They were glowing a creamy red, as faint as the moonlight that barely made it through the thick trees.

"Show yourself!" the leader hissed. His eyes were filled with hatred. It was interesting. The man didn't even know what he was yet.

"You know," he started, traveling around them in the trees. It was the best way to confuse them. "You all came so unprepared. There's so much technology that humans made that could better help you with this situation."

"You'd be surprised at what our weapons can do, beast," the leader hissed again. The others in the group were circling around the clearing. "What's the matter? Too scared to come out of hiding?"

"Or just too smart," he smiled in the darkness. He knew how this game went. "It's a shame that it has to come to this. I really do like humans. They make such great technology."

"Then come out here and talk like a real man," he urged again. The hold on his knife tightened, causing his knuckles to whiten.

He tsked at them. He knew why they wanted him to show his face. They wanted to see if he was the thing they were looking for. The poor chumps couldn't even figure that out. They really needed to upgrade their equipment.

The sound of paws hitting the ground got his attention. He didn't move his eyes off from the hunters, but he keyed into the new sound. That werewolf must have just been a lookout. Now there were three sets of paws hitting the ground. Which meant that he needed to work a little bit faster than he was at the moment.

He probably had about ten minutes before they got there. Werewolves were known for being fast. But there was one other supernatural being that competed with them in both strength and speed.

He walked silently into the clearing. It didn't take long before one of the hunters saw him. The first thing they did was throw one of their knives at him. They were fast. But he was faster. He caught the knife just before it plummeted into his stomach. In one lightning speed motion, he threw the knife right back to where it came from.

Arrows silently flew at him. His night vision allowed him to dodge each and every one of them. It took them only a millisecond to grab more arrows from their holder strapped to their backs, but that was all he needed to start his assault. He pulled out his gun from its holster. It was a pistol with a silencer on it, the best for situations like this. It was the best of the best as it worked on a silent kill.

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