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•No Ones POV:•
Your parents, Giulia, Massimo and yourself made your way into your part time home, and got comfortable in the places you'll be sleeping.
Your parents will sleep in the living room as you will be sleeping on the floor yet again. You didn't set up your bed yet since you saw no point in doing so, so early.
Right now you were talking to Giulia and catch each other up on what happened in the past month.
Giulia explained that Alberto wouldn't shut up for about a week saying he missed you. But calmed down after the 3rd week- but still begged non the less.

-•Y/N's POV:•-
"Ah! è a casa!" Giulia stood up from her bed grabbed my hand.
"Who?" I asked.
"Alberto!" She smiled. I smiled as well as we both ran downstairs, there we saw both Luca and Alberto at the dinner table, confused on who the two strangers were and why the woman was so happy to meet him.
"Mum! Stop bulling Alberto!" I said, walking in between Alberto and Luca. Alberto immediately hugged me and I was quick to hug him back.
"Oh mio Dio! I've missed you so much!" He shouted and began to cover my face with sweet kisses, making me giggle.
"Hehe, I missed you too Alberto." I smiled and kissed him on the lips . Hearing a soft groan from my dad I glared at him and he shut up. I then pulled away from Alberto and Luca and I shared a hug.
"It's nice to see you again Y/N. And a relief too, no more groaning from him anymore." Luca laughed gesturing you Alberto as we all laughed.
"So, Y/N mind introducing us?" My dad asked. I nodded.
"Everyone these are my parents, my mamma, M/N, and my papà, D/N." I smiled. Alberto realised he had, kissed AND hugged me in front of my parents.
"Don't worry Alberto. I'll make sure nothing happens to you." I said, eyeing my dad as he scoffed.
"Anyway, let's go to the ice cream shop and get to know catch up with each other." I smiled as everyone agreed. We all said our bye's to the adults and went ran out the house and the massive gate, running towards the ice cream shop.

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