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Wilhelm POV

I knew it wasn't a fool-proof idea when I didn't tell Simon about the interview. I did not want to make it uncomfortable but I thought it would be best that he was there to witness it and confirm. I knew he would say no to the idea if I asked him to.

"And 1" Alice said. I put on a smile.

"Good morning everybody! Today I am here with crowned prince Wilhelm who would like to say a few public words about a viral video posted around two days ago. Now it appears that it has been deleted off of almost all platforms. Your highness what was the video about?"

"Thank you, Elias. I'm sure all of you remember that about a month ago there was an illegal video posted of two boys that was rumored to be me and Simon; who is here right next to me. For a rough summary of this new video, it included a fight between Simon and my second cousin August. Basically, August publicly admitted to having recorded the first illegal video to Simon. He purposely pushed Simon into snapping through personal insults directed towards him, the other boy in the first video, and his sister."

I glanced at Simon. He was stationed a little bit behind me standing completely rigid, all of the color had drained from his face. People had begun to gather around us because classes had let out for lunch.

"I see. Thank you for providing a summary. Now, what statements about the video would you like to make?"

"Well... previously I had denied that it was me with Simon in the illegally posted video." I took Simons hand. "I would like to apologize for lying. That video was recorded outside of my bedroom window here at Hillerska and it was indeed the two of us."

People's eyes widened around us. "Wow. What made you lie about it the first time?"

I paused. "I was pressured into lying by somebody reasoning it to be for the sake of the royal family and putting my duties front." I squeezed Simon's hand for support. I didn't think about how hard this would be.

"If I may ask, who was this person who stopped you from sharing the truth?"

I gulped. "Um... It was actually my mother. I am here today to say a few words about her and my relationship today. She is the one who deleted both of the videos to cover Simon and I's fling up to the best of her ability. She believes that I am straying from tradition and romance is blinding me from what is most important: family and royal duty. " I cleared my throat.

"There is actually one problem. As I had said, my mother thinks that what Simon and I have is just a fling. In the most recent video you can hear Simon say the words 'Because of you, I couldn't say I loved him back. At least he had the courage to say that. You will never experience love like him and I had; and that is more important than any amount of money, royalty, or fame.'"

I turned to Simon. "Am I correct?" I asked him. He slowly nodded. I had never seen him more uncomfortable.

"You can infer that I admitted to Simon that I loved him. This is completely true. He tells August of the love that we had. We were split up for over Christmas break because of a fight; I had been to cowardice to tell the public who I really am. And this is me making my amends." I turned to Simon once more.

Through the pale mask of of anxiety and and shock, I could see a small glow of happiness and pride. I grabbed his other hand so I was holding both of them. "Simon, these last few months you have made me capable of feeling levels of happiness I never knew I could reach. You have shown me that love truly is more important than money, royalty, or fame. I would publicly like to ask you; would you do me the incredible honor of being my boyfriend?"

He opened his mouth to say something.  He scanned his surroundings almost as if he was looking for an answer; but then in one quick movement wrapped his arms around my body and nodded vigorously into my shoulder.  I returned the hug but pulled away soon after, gave him a peck on the lips, and smiled at Elias and the camera.

People had looks of shock, curiosity, and beaming smiles all around us.  "Well there you have it folks.  Prince Wilhelm and his boyfriend Simon! Congratulations to you two.  And for a question I'm sure everyone is interested to know, would you make a statement on your sexuality?"

I froze. I have put so much thought into it but I just can't seem to find what feels right. I cleared my throat. "Actually, I do not.  I have never been in an actual relationship before now.  I don't know if it's due to age, that I'm still young. I feel that I am lost, not in a bad way, but lost in life only.  But that is okay, because I am right where I am supposed to be. I do not want to hold myself to any labels, but I do know that I love Simon in this moment and that is all I want to focus on." Simon gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"That was beautifully well said. Now I have one more question for you before we leave.  Does the queen know about this interview today?"

"No, she does not. I am sure she is just now finding out and on her way to bring me back to the palace. Which is why Simon and I are going to be taking a temporary leave of absence.  I will be making no public appearances and will be gone for as long as I need to fix and work things out."

"I see. Well thank you prince Wilhelm for talking to us today.  I wish the two of you well and hope everything works out for you."

I nodded and with that the camera was cut and we were off live.

"I CANT believe you just did that." Simon said to me as he shoved my shoulders backwards.

"I should have done this much sooner. I am sorry for not warning you I just wanted it to be a surprise/public announcement... But we need to go now, I am sure my mom is nearly here."

I grabbed his hand and practically sprinted down the sidewalk and into the woods where a driver I had hired was stationed.  He staggered behind me and made many annoyed grunting noises.

Once we were in the car I let out an exasperated breath.  "I will tell you everything once we get to the cabin I promise."

He let out a laugh and dropped his head into my arm. "You're insane."

I've been waiting to do this for so longggggg! I promise there is some serious fluff coming soon.  As much as I love causing you pain, I have been bullied into the cute moments.

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