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Simon POV

The two weeks of Christmas break are nearly up. I spent most days in my bedroom staring at my fish and Christmas day watching films with mom and Sara.

Everything reminded me of him. Wilhelm completely clouded my mind for almost all of break. I longed for him, almost as much as I was determined to set boundaries. I will not go over the line of friendly acquaintances unless he decides to make a public move.

I think about what happened after the last time I saw him sometimes. "I love you." he said. An emotion I couldn't name took over my body the moment those three words left his lips. It took everything in me not to say it back to him.

I could see all the people in the corner of my eye staring at our embrace, I could feel the eyes on us. I would have kissed him right there despite everyone, to say it back and feel his smile against my lips. But that damaged piece of me after everything that happened stopped me; and all that came out was to have a nice Christmas. I wonder if that was the right choice? But nevertheless, the deed is done and things will be different now.

A few days ago Sara and I each got a letter from the headmistress saying we were able to live at Forest Ridge now free of charge. Sara had said she convinced August to for making up the hell he put me through.

I was both excited and nervous to live there. I did not want to leave mother and I was afraid I would have to see Wilhelm more often. Yes, he is coming back. After Sara and I get settled in tomorrow for classes to start two days following; I have to go to choir practice to work on the song we are to sing to welcome the crowned prince back.

-time skip to tomorrow-

"Mama, are you are okay with us leaving? The three of us have never lived separately." I said to my mother with my belongings in hand about to get on the bus to Hillerska.

"Yes. We will still be able to talk through something called a phone and you can visit me on weekends and holidays! I will be fine, as long as you stay in touch with me." She replied.

I gave her a smile, a hug, and told her "Thank you, I love you mom." Then I was walking hand in hand with Sara to the bus stop.

After we arrive and I parted ways with Sara, I looked at the little piece of paper in my hand that had the number "112" on it as I was walking through the hallway to my new room.

I figured my room would be at the end of the hallway being the newest inhabitant. The hallway began to look very familiar as I kept going, when I noticed two people standing by one of the doors. Why do they have to socialize in the hallway? When I got closer I realize they weren't just students. One was a bodyguard... a royal bodygaurd. And the other one was Wille.

Realization hit me when I remembered that this was his room. The one I snuck him into all those nights ago. My room was merely 3 or 4 doors down. Great. Just perfect. Is it to late to move back in with mother?

I put my purple hood up in attempt to walk past him and not interrupt his and Malin's conversation, going unnoticed. But of course he recognized me instantly.

"Oh hello, Simon." He said as I passed. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him.

His hair was falling perfectly across his face as usual. The familiar butterfly-like pressure built up in my stomach when he swept it away. I wanted to embrace him, but I stopped myself.

"Hello Wilhelm." I replied.

"Do you live here now?" He asked me, looking at the suitcases i'm dragging along.

"Yes I do, Sara convinced August into getting us rooms."

His nose flared at the mention of August. What did he do to him? "How kind of him to do so." He replied through clenched teeth.

"Well see you around, I better get to unpacking."

"Yes, see you Simon."

I nod and walk away as quick as possible. I can feel his eyes on my back as I continue down the hallway, thank god the door was unlocked.

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