Chapter 1! (Cause this story doesn't need an introduction haha, shutting up now)

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(This takes place where he just found out.)

Hercules' POV

I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom. 'It couldn't be positive, you use protection.' I thought to myself. Well, just once, we ran out. But, can't blame me. It felt good. I guess that it's enough time. I look down at the test.

It's positive.

I'm carrying Lafayette's baby. I put a hand on my stomach, there's a small bump there, it's small, but it's there. I hear a knock on the door and quickly shove the test in the pocket of my cardigan. "Mon amour, it's me, are you okay?" I think of an excuse. "Y-Yeah I'm fine!" I called out. I opened the door. His bright smile looked down at me. "So was it a stomach bug?" He asked. "Yeah.." I lied. I didn't and still don't and won't know how he'll react if I told him. "Well come on, Phillip and Ivy probably set a fire by now." He chuckled at my comment then put his hand at my waist. "We don't have to go just yet.." he smirked as he brought me closer. "Sure.." I muttered. Oh boy.. Lafayette bit my neck softly, it picked up when he heard the string of soft moans escape from my mouth.

Okay, before we head into all that. Let me explain how I'm male, and now finding out, expecting. Well I was born with hermaphroditism. Meaning I have both female and male organ systems. Or for another term, I'm an intersex person. HE/HIM PRONOUNS PLEASE. Cool right? Well, meh. It just means I can have kids. Like the newly found one growing in me.

3rd Person POV

-just a bit of a time skip-

(Light smut, if it's bad I'm sorry ;w;)

Hercules was laid on the bed wearing nothing but one of Lafayette's large sweaters. "B-Be gentle.." he muttered. Laf, being the caring husband he is, nodded as he kissed up to his inner thigh. Hercules moans softly once Lafayette grazes 'the sweet spot'. Lafayette lifted the smaller man's legs by his thighs while licking his entrance. "L-Laf-" he cut himself off with an audible moan. Laf licked all the way up to Hercules' length. "F-F*ck..I-I'm close.." he muttered. Lafayette covered the slit of his length. "No releasing yet mon amour~" Hercules nodded. He was in for it. Lafayette put on protection and hovered over Hercules. "Do I have your consent, love?" He asks. (CONSENT IS COOL KIDS!!) "Yes.."

Hercules was ready when Lafayette finished prepping him, he kissed his cheeks "If it's ever too much, or if I hurt you. I'll stop, okay?" Hercules smiles softly.

-time skip, sorry y'all.-

Lafayette POV

Luckily we didn't have to be at John and Alex's by 1. Hercules looked nervous. "What's wrong mon amour?" He shook his head "N-Nothing.." he mutters. I know bullsh*t when I hear it. But, I won't pressure him. If there's one thing I know about my husband, it's not to pressure him. He gets self conscious. I kiss his forehead. He leans into my shoulder. "You okay?" He nods.

-time skip-


John wheeled over "Thanks for watching the two gremlins." He chuckled. "Oui, fine with me. Besides, they're not that bad-" Hercules looked at me. "The marshmallow incident?" John also glares at me "Or the time they asked you if they could ask the manager at a Walmart if they sell actual walls?" I felt guilty. "THEN WHAT'S THE POINT OF CALLING IT A WALMART IF THEY DON'T SELL ACTUAL WALLS?!" Alex yells from a distance. "He has a point." I interjected.

Hercules and John facepalm. "John, go before you lose more brain cells." He said. "Alright. Alright." Phillip and Ivy waved. "THE WAR CONTINUES." Ivy yelled.

Rundown of the Hamilton-Laurens twins. Phillip is very sweet, but he almost burnt an entire Chili's down with Peggy.

Peggy POV


Hercules POV

In her defense, she was drunk.

Lafayette POV

Anyway. Ivy is very violent. Giving her so much as a butter knife is walking on eggshells.


...I hid the evidence. Nobody know about that scar

Phillip POV


Alex POV

What scar?

Lafayette POV

Ivy shivved me. It was an accident..I think. Non, she did that on purpose, she's five but extremely vicious. I hope My future children aren't like much.

"Ivy!" "I HAVE AN ALIBI!!!" She yelled. We all looked at her. Alex sighed, "Drop the butter knife." She does. "Good girl. We'll see y'all later" Phillip waved as he put Ivy in a headlock. "Bye!!" "DANG IT PIP!!" Ivy yelled. "OKAY BREAK IT UP YOU TWO." Hercules stepped in. "Whyyyyyy we're having fun!!!" They whined. "Okay I guess you don't want.." he pulls out a small bag of cookies, I even love them. "These." We all stared in awe. They said down. "Three cookies each." "One." "Two." "Deal." They got their cookies. Sometimes I wonder if they are child mobsters. Non, they're devious but nothing that devious. Well.

Phillip/Ivy POV

Oh we're definitely mobsters. We scam kids at the playground. Pops (Alex) is proud.

Alex POV

In all fairness, they scammed me into giving them access to a tazer.


The doctors at the hospital were so scared.

Hercules POV

Even Washington was scared. And that's saying something. After I give them their cookies I turn on some cartoons to watch. "Hm, American cartoons are quite strange." I glared at Lafayette. "Don't you dare take the childhood wonder of cartoons with the French version." (Let's just say Ruby x Sapphire has it bad) "I didn't say anything."

Sure he didn't.

I wasn't paying that much attention anyway, I was thinking about how I should tell Laf about...I get up and go to the bathroom to throw up. Well, that's one way to relieve stress. Said no one literally ever. I wipe my mouth and sit back down with the others. Ivy and Phillip are now having a dancing contest. I look down. I guess I can put it off for now

What's the worst that can happen?




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