D. Well, if Betty doesn't love you, I will!

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Let’s get right to it. 

I think that last chapter was supposed to be unique.

And I say “I think” because I’m sure in about five seconds someone will comment on the chapter and find some reason to say it was cliché, and then I’m gonna feel really stupid because they’re probably right.

But you know what?

The whole world is cliché. So there. There’s your reason.

And yes I realize this defeats the purpose of the book, but we don’t have to think about that right now; we should think about rainbows and ponies and ice cream and how much we all want to skip school and smoke weed.

Wait, no.

I meant, um, how much we want to—to . . . to go fishing!

There. See? I’m a good role model. Truancy = bad, kids.

Anyway, back to the chapter.

          .          .          .


So what is it with people and being totally unrealistic with feelings and how they work or don’t work in relationships?

I mean I understand that these are fiction books and we all want to live in a world where everyone always gets what they want. But, you know, there’s this thing called rejection. And it sometimes occurs in people’s lives.

I have not yet found a book that actually describes the feeling of rejection. Most of these books consist of female main characters that basically live to reject boys.

Usually, this is how they go.

Female main character (Betty?) meets conceited male main character (Willis). Betty and Willis spend more time together, willingly or unwillingly. Betty meets and befriends other male character (Popeye!). Betty and Willis gain feelings for each other, and Popeye occasionally spends time with Betty.

Popeye gains the courage to tell Betty he has feelings for her.


. . . And then Betty rejects Popeye for the idiot Willis who still hasn’t even told her how he feels and/or treats her like the dirt underneath his shoe.

What is the purpose of that?

Or better yet, why does poor Popeye have to be rejected?

Why can’t Willis reject Betty, and then let Popeye pick up the pieces of her heart?

I mean Willis is supposed to be the jerk anyway, right? The bad boy? Conceited player?

Why is it that every Willis out there in these books always ends up reciprocating the feelings? Is it so unlikely that Willis would stay the jerk he is?

The idea that men will change for women is great and all, but in real life? Not always true. 

Sometimes people fall in love with people who don’t love them back. It happens.

It’s life.

Sometimes guys don’t feel like they want to change for girls. Sometimes they stay the same way they are, and it ruins a relationship.

Let’s embrace reality, guys.

Let’s write books that show people that even though your heart might be broken right now, someone out there has the user’s manual, and they can fix it. Let’s try to inspire people to understand that things get better.

As writers we have the ability to create some pretty powerful messages. Why not use it?

And I guess this is just my opinion, but I think rejection is something that can do a lot of damage. And I think it gets understated in some of these romance novels. It isn’t easy to get over being rejected by someone you developed strong feelings for.

In my opinion, we should write our characters to be realistic. Fiction is fiction, but humans still have feelings and the rest of the world doesn’t always care about that.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying that stories have to end badly to be realistic. I’m just saying that sometimes love doesn’t work out.

Unless you’re in love with me.

Then it always works out.

. . . And in case you didn’t catch that, I was trying to subtly get you to fall in love with me.

Because then we can go get Popeye and tell him love works out after all!

And then go get some Popeye’s.

          .          .          .


I know, I totally abandoned you guys. My apologies. School is like a cage that swallows you whole and holds you hostage until you die.

And the only time you can actually have free time to write is as a ghost.

But by then you won't be able to type anyway, so . . .


Anyway! I felt inspired to write, so I came here. Isn't it wonderful?

Last chapter was actually an excerpt from what is going to be my new story. I think it's called Inevitable. Not sure if that's the guaranteed name. I'm still working out the title details. But anyway, were you guys intrigued enough by the excerpt to read the story?

Comment opinions!

And also I know I haven't updated 36 Students in like 7 months . . . but it's coming back soon, don't worry!


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