Chapter 6

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Andy's POV
I pulled out of the lot, not even bothering to look at Ashley.
"Where do you live?"

"3247 Sacramento Way" his eyes flashed to me,
"You can drive 15 minutes or so without getting into an accident, right?"

"I very well can, but first, I have to go to my house to pick up my guitar. I have a band meeting later"

"Whatever, just get me home"

After a few minutes of an uncomfortable amount of silence, we pulled into my driveway.

"You want to come in? I've got something's that might numb the pain from the tattoo... And the ummm.... Accident..."

Without saying a word, Ashley opened the car door and followed me into the house.

I opened the door and heard the familiar noise of guitars and drums. Jinxx, Jake, and CC must be in my basement, even though I told them to meet me at Jinxx's house.

"Jinxx! Jake! CC! Shut up for one minute! Will you?!"
I heard their footsteps coming up the stairs. Just to annoy me, they started playing as loud as they could. But... I kinda liked the song. It's one that we've been working on called 'knives and pens'. I started singing along as I searched through the cabinets to find some pain relievers for Ashley.

Ashley's POV
I followed Andy into his house when he opened the door for me. After all, I was in a lot more pain then I was letting on, I really needed some pain killers.

As I walked into the living room I could hear the beautiful sound of a guitar, some drums followed the noise. My band (which we named 'Stolen Hearts') was not even nearly this good at their instrumentals. I heard Andy yell something but I didn't really care what it was, or even if it was directed at me.

I was lost in thought until I heard the loud banging of footsteps running up steps. The basement door banged open as three guys stepped out and started playing exceptionally loud. Heck, the guitarists brought their amps and the drummer brought one little drum thing, like one you would see in a marching band!

You could tell they were all playing a song together, maybe even one that they had written. I was not familiar with it. I was taken aback when Andy started singing along as he went through his cabinets. This kid was fricking good! But... There was no way I was going to let him know I thought that.

Once the song was over the 3 guys came over and actually acknowledged my existence.

"Hi! I'm CC!" Said a guy with long, straight hair. He was the drum player.
"I'm Jake, Hey!" Said one of the guitarists.
"And I'm Jinxx" the last person said. He was a guitar player also.

"I'm Ashley... Andy will you hurry up already!!"

"I'm going, im going! Andy was looking at two medicine jars. He seemed intensely concentrated.
"Ok.... I think... You should take this one!"

Andy looked at me and beamed like a kindergartener who remembered his ABC's.
"WAIT! No... That doesn't look right..." He snatched the bottle from my hands and squinted at it
"Whatever, just take it"

I took a few pills into my hands and swallowed it with some water.
"Can we go NOW?!" I was kinda done with this little meet and greet thing.

"If you want." He grabbed his keys from the countertop and walked towards the door. He entered the car, With me following behind him.

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