Chapter 4

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I ran into the elevator and pushed the button for floor seven.

"It's moving TOO slow" I said to no one in particular. I waited for what felt like eternity for the elevator doors to open, then I bolted down the hall.

"Room 723.... Room 748.... Room 790.... No, that's too far." I talked to myself as I did kind of an awkward walk/run through the hospital halls.

"HERE!" I said probably much too loudly as I found room 783. Now that I was here I had no idea what to do. Why had I come here? What were my intentions after coming to his room?

I had to keep asking my self these questions. For a few moments I contemplated my situation while staring at the door.... When I finally decided to go inside.

I pushed the door open and peered inside. That was definitely him alright. I'm surprised no one stopped me.... I mean I could seriously hurt him if I wanted to. Not that I did... But other people might....

I sat on the edge of the bed and just kind of stared at him. He had shoulder length black hair, and wristband, and was wearing a hospital gown

After creepily staring at him for around 5 minutes I had decided it was probably time to leave

As soon as I had gotten up, Ashley's eyes fluttered open and he shot up in his hospital bed. His eyes fixed on me and hardened.

"Who are you and where the hell am I?" Ashley said a bit confused. I could see what looked like a mixture of fear and anger in his eyes.

"Calm down! You got in a car accident and were knocked unconscious." I said that rather assertively.

"Calm down? I don't know who hit me! I don't know where I am! I don't have any idea who you are because by the look of it I'm in the hospital and you sure as hell aren't a doctor!" Ashley said that rather quickly without even stopping for a breath between sentences.

"So... Funny story..." I said and gave a fake, dry laugh. He glared at me.

"I may.... Or may not have hit your car.... I just wanted to make sure you were okay so...." I said that looking down at my legs and twiddling my thumbs.


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