Chapter 4

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Hello Guyz!!!!! sorry for the late update Actually I was busy coz of my college assignments. Please give feedback and suggest me girls name for my another character . So here is the new update. Enjoy✨

Zainab's POV

Eid Day 🎀

As I woke up at 5:00 am I heard many voices coming from garden I peek outside the window there are chefs, milk man and many people doing arrangements in garden. As Baba's friends are going to come at house we celebrate our Eid with their families and poor people gather outside our home Baba distribute food ,cloths and give charity to the people.

I headed towards bathroom and got ready as baba want me to meet their friends and distribute food packages.

After an hour I got a call from Kasim he told me that I'm in backyard waiting for u to come so we can go to mosque.

I said ,"wake up Ana". I wanted to take her with me but she said she is not coming . So I came out hiding from Saba anny and texted Baba I'm also coming to mosque.

I don't want Saba anny get worried and  whenever she don't find me in my room She will tell  Aunt Ruqaiyya then she will get angry on me so that's why I didn't tell her that I'm going to mosque. As Aunt Ruqaiyya was not arrived yet so this is the chance to escape she will take an hour kasim said so we'll be back before she come to my house.

I love to go mosque in morning on Eid day but Aunt ruqaiyya don't let coz on Eid there are too many men in mosque so she wanted me to pray at home but my Baba always support me in this hide and seek game with her.

After  praying I slipped in my sneakers and got out of the mosque where kasim is waiting for me , After some time Baba came out from mosque and then we reached home.

As we were in the parking lot Baba shouted look zainaaaaa your Aunt arrive early today , I and Kasim got nervous and I said " Baba what to do now , She'll get angry on me."

Baba said , "let us go inside first then I'll text u where she is then come from the back door alright", I nodded in agreement . We got  out from the car and suddenly she came from the front door as I saw her I hide behind the car and She greeted Baba ," As Salamu Alaikum Hassan Bhai Eid Mubarak".

Baba greet her back ,"Walaikum As salaam Ruqaiyya sister ,Eid Mubarak to u too. Today you came early. Actually I want to talk to you and Ana and Kasim was also here , So I came Early.

Then Kasim bend his head in front of her by greeting ," As salamu Alaikum Ammi Eid Mubarak".

Then she patted kasim shoulder by replying ,Walaikum As Salam beta (son) Eid Mubarak to u too Allah Bless u. Ohh I came here to look after the decoration is done or not Coz now people will start visiting and then she said, "lets go I want to see Ana and zaina then they got inside the house I ran from back door as I was going to enter my room I saw Aunt was standing in between the dining hall .As I ran from behind her she is going to turn but baba enter and called her out Sister ruqaiyya I want to talk to you. He is the life saviour but wait what he wanted to say. I entered my room where Ana is getting ready I gesture her to keep quiet and eavesdrop on my father conversation.

He said , " My Elder brother is coming with his family as his son Ahmed was back from London. As I heard his name my heartbeat got faster, I was like why is he coming but I was happy because kiyan is also coming , I headed to bathroom then I wear the dress baba bought for me and then did little makeup and put pink tinted lip gloss as baba don't like too much makeup then put a bun and covered it with red hijab .

Headed downstairs where my Aunt was ,suddenly my father saw me and squeezed my hand and said , Masha Allah my  daughter is looking very beautiful, Allah always bless u ,Eid Mubarak habibi, and kissed my forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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