Chapter Seven

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Tubbo's POV:

"What??" I asked looking back. "I asked when the wedding is" my mom said a hand on her hip and a smile on her face. I blushed slightly. "Mom we aren't even dating, it's all platonic I told you!" I said obviously flustered. Ranboo just stood there unsure of what to do or say. "Mhm, alright, go eat then" My mom said being sarcastic as shit. I sighed as me and Ranboo left.

When we got to my room I heard Ranboo ask, "Tubbo, uhm, we, we are just platonic right?" He was a little quiet with saying it but I still heard. I was tempted to tell him right now. Maybe I would. "Well, would you like to stay platonic? I mean, we could always, you know, not be platonic" I said. "What?" He asked.

"Well, I'm just saying, uh, what if we were romantic, nothing sexual, but, one step further than platonic, you know?" I said slightly quieter. I thought it'd be easy asking to be romantic, turns out that it's a lot worse actually doing it then going through it in your head. Ranboo looked like he was thinking. We were both blushing a ton. 

"Uh, well I mean, would you, um, be ok with it..?" He asked making eye contact with me but quickly looking down. "Ranboo, I, you don't understand how long I've wanted to tell you, yes I'm ok with it, I've been ok with it!" I said looking at him. He looked back at me, I sat next to him. This moment felt way too fake. Was this even real?

Then I woke up, Ranboo wasn't even here, none of that happened


I felt Ranboo wrap his arms around me, I returned the hug smiling. "Oh my god Ranboo, I love you so much you don't understand" at this point I was crying. I didn't know why. I didn't have a reason to. All I knew was they weren't sad tears. Ranboo let out a small chuckle. "Aw, Tubbo, I, I love you too" He said. I just hugged him tighter.

I looked up at him, both of us had goofy smiles on our faces. "Well, this is a new thing for chat huh?" I said, cheeks hurting from smiling so much at this point. "Yeah, but, that's for a later time, we just get the opportunity to taunt them more now." Ranboo said. I snickered before dramatically saying "Wow, only using me for clout I see how it is" 

We both laughed, enjoying our time together. I was laying on top of Ranboo while we were going through Twitter. "Ranboo look! I like that fanart, the one with us hugging" I said pointing at his phone. "Tubbo you've said that for basically the last 10 pictures" Ranboo said. "Well duuuhhh" I said before hearing a knock on my door. "Whaaaaaaaaat" I said. "Mom wants to know if you guys need anything from the store, her and dad are going to pick some stuff up." I heard Teagan say. 

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