Chapter Six

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Tubbos POV:

After a while, I had gotten all of my stuff together and had my bathing suit on. I was getting me and Ranboo a towel and realized he still wasn't out. "Ranboo, you doing good in there?" I asked making sure. I felt like I needed to make sure he was ok, I couldn't leave him alone after figuring this out. I didn't get an answer. I went next to the door and sat, I didn't hear anything so I asked again. 

"Hey Ranboo, you alright?" I said. After a few seconds I heard a shaky yes. "Can I come in?" I asked. I tried using a calmer tone. See I've never actually dealt with something like this, but I was going to try of course. After some hesitation Ranboo said I could. I opened the door slowly, seeing him on the ground staring at his wrists. He had obviously had some kind of breakdown. 

"Hey bossman, what happened?" I asked. He had just looked down then back up at me. "I-I-" He stopped for a second. "I don't know" he whispered slightly shaking. "I can't, I-I" His breathing started speeding up and he started panicking again. "Ranboo listen, that's alright, I know your memory isn't the best. It's ok" I said while putting my hand above his shoulder as in asking if it was ok. 

He noticed and nodded saying it was alright, his breathing wasn't the best, but we were getting there. I slowly brought him into a hug telling him to breath with me. And after a few minutes, he was alright. "Are you ready now?" I asked. He smiled a little and nodded. We got out of the bathroom and I handed him a few things before we started heading outside. 

As we were in the kitchen quickly getting some drinks and a few snacks Ranboo said something. "Hey Tubbo, um, thank you for not, uh, treating me differently" Ranboo says looking towards me. "It's no problem!" I said continuing on saying, "Now let us go swim!" I said. "Isn't it like 1:30am? shouldn't we be quiet?" Ranboo asked. 

"Oh, yeah, no, my parents don't wake up for shit" I said. He nodded and we went outside. I jumped into the pool and motioned him to follow. He put his feet in first, and then came into the pool completely. I swam over to him, we were in the 4ft area. The pool went down to 6ft. "Ranboo you're so taaaalll" I said looking up at him. "I know, I know, I may steal gender, but many don't know that I also steal their height!" Ranboo stated smirking.

"You should piggy back me to the 6ft area!" I said. "Sure, I don't see why not." He said and crouched over. I cheered and got onto his back happily. "THIS IS WHAT YOU SEE??" I said looking up over his head. "Uh, I guess?" We started walking over to the 6ft area. Ranboo was still standing, his head over the water. "Oh my god, I would be drowning right now" I said looking down. 

"Uhuh, you would be" He said setting me down on the seats we had inn the 6ft area. (Like in the water there are ledges you can sit on) "You wanna listen to music??" I asked. He said sure so I asked my phone to play one of my Spotify playlists. Turns out the one it chose to play was the one I made for Ranboo. I laughed and fell onto my back into the water waving to Ranboo as Bruno Mars "Marry You" came on. (Yes I'm basic) 

Ranboo went underwater with me and we swam and played around for a while. At one point a slower based song came on. I popped up behind Ranboo and hugged him. He turned around and took my hand. "Wanna dance?" He asked smiling. I did a spin holding his hand and we swam around together some more.

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