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Meanwhile in Seattle, things were going as planned. Cristina, Alex, Jackson and April had gone out to complete their oral boards at a different location to Meredith's, and each had passed with the exception of April. Other than that, the fifth year residents were weighing up their options, discussing which hospitals wanted them, and where they would end up next year.

Derek knew if he didn't screw up, Meredith would be there. She would have passed her boards - of course she would have, she's got every bit of her mother's talent in surgery. She would be a board certified surgeon and the two of them could be discussing the next chapter of their lives, where they would go, as a family of three. Derek, Meredith and Zola. Instead, Derek was alone with his Zozo, no Meredith, and no contemplating which hospital they would be working at next year. Derek sighed as he remembered how much he had fucked up, but had resisted the temptation to become angry or moody. As it turns out, the therapy really was working, and he felt ready. He anticipated Meredith's return, and knew that he was going to make it worth it for her choosing to forgive him.

Dr. Bailey had stopped resenting Meredith a while ago. She realised that Richard had only stuck up for Meredith because Derek hadn't, and knowing that he would only take a dent to his career, while Meredith's would have been completely destroyed, Bailey could now see why Richard did what he did, because of what Meredith had done for him and for Adele. Everybody knew Richard had felt a responsibility to Meredith, as a surrogate daughter, or whatever, ever since what happened with Meredith's mother, Ellis. Bailey just wished she had pieced it all together sooner and found it in her to pardon her former intern, because she was missing her babies. George had died, Izzie got cancer and left, and now Meredith got heartbroken and left. She couldn't lose any more of them, and she worried for them.

Bailey had a slow day, because of all the residents returning from their boards, and so decided to take the time to go to find Dr. Webber, thinking that he might know something about Meredith, how she was, how she did on her boards. Richard had his contacts; he would know about Meredith, even if she didn't want him to. She wanted to know if she raised her baby right, taught her right, if her intern was succeeding. Of course she was, she was Meredith Grey, but for once in Dr. Bailey's life, she wanted to know about her personal life too. If she was doing okay, if she was ever going to come back.

Knocking on Dr. Webber's office, Bailey felt a sense of relief wash over her as she saw the figure at his desk.

"Chief", she announced her presence.

"Dr. Bailey! What can I do for you?" Richard questioned.

"Sir, I know it's not my place, but I wanted to ask you about Meredith Grey."

"You want to know about Meredith?" He queried, looking up from the stack of administrative work he was in the middle of filling out, taking off his glasses and putting his pen down.

"I do, sir. If you can tell me."

"She didn't want me telling anyone where she was, but I've spoken to the Chief there, so I know that she's okay, she's doing great actually; she's thriving." Richard announced.

"She is? Oh, that's good". Bailey immediately felt reassured and calm by Richard's revelation.

"I thought you were still angry at her." 

"I haven't been for a few weeks now. I understand why, now I do."

"You do?"

"I think I was just jealous, of her. You mentored her, took the fall for her, and I felt like I was being replaced." Bailey sighed, sitting down in the chair opposite Richard.

"Oh, Bailey, you'll always be my right hand. Dr. Grey - Meredith is just-"

"Extremely talented, and like your surrogate daughter. She deserved the opportunity to be mentored by you, I know. So, about her boards?"

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