•<<//||chapter 1||\\>>•

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::-Aethers POV-::

•_I was tired, I couldn't breath..I was running, it was like I've been running through darkness my whole life...where am I? I don't recognise this place..I feel dizzy-

•_paimon: "AERTHER chill out! You are gonna pass out if you carry on like this!...take a break.."

•_I nodded as an answer and sat down on a rock near the beach..it's been 2 years since my sister is missing..two whole years..what am I gonna do..

•_paimon: "so aerther..we need shelter...I heard there is a massive city not so far from here! Let's go take a look!"

•_I nodded and stood up, dusting myself off, I start walking..I was on a hill..I saw the city at least. What paimon said was true! It is big! No..massive!

•_I started running again paimon facepalmed and followed on. Once we were nearly in-front of the entrance we heard someone calling out 'FREEZE' so we turned our heads to see a red haired girl with red clothes and a bow and arrow on her back her name was 'amber'.

•_amber: "hello intruders perhaps what may you be doing here?! Causing mischief or causing a new storm?.."

•_paimon: "you got it all wrong actually we are travellers from afar"

•_amber: "my deepest apologies travellers! What brings you here?!"

•_paimon: "well aether here has just come through a fight fighting a unknown god..in the process lost his sister! So we need shelter! For a while.."

•_there she does it..telling everyone my business, how ignorant of her..

•_amber: "a unknown god, eh? Such childish stories I don't believe it! Prove it!"

•_paimon: "he lost his sister dimwit!"

•_amber: "I-..well..uh..this is embarrassing my deepest apologies once again! Follow me I will provide you food and shelter in Return!"

•_paimon and I nodded starting to follow her..I looked down till I heard her start talking.

•_amber: "so..traveller, how did your sister look like?"

•_paimon: "blonde hair, caramel eyes, exquisite clothing!"

•_amber: "I've noticed that traveler doesn't talk much"

•_paimon: "that traveler has a name it's aether! And yes, as you can see he is a quiet person towards new people! Has lots of trust issues!"

•_amber: "I see..well we will make sure to treat you with well respect!"

•_paimon: "as you should..ok enough with the talk let's get going!"

•_for the past 10 minutes of climbing and walking we finally got into the city it was massive! It's so nice and warm..there was so much lanterns flying it was dark everyone was out to see the lanterns must be a special occasion.

•_we were walking towards a massive structure it was impressive I mean I do live in a palace myself so I can't say anything!

•_amber: "as you can see this is our city! Everyone is free to do whatever they like! Except killing and fighting of course! Everyone is kind well most of the people! we are about to enter the cathedral to see if you are available it's a private so tell them what role you play in your original world they won't tell a soul!"

•_I nodded and walked in. As I walked in I saw two people waiting for me...once we got to them we stranded up in-front of them.

•_amber: "hello we have arrived! Master Jean, this is traveller also known as aether! Traveller this is Jean and kaeya they are both knights of the city please tell them your role"

•_paimon: "as paimon trusts you all, I am aware and I will share! This is prince aether prince off the abyss! Now you may be wondering why the prince of the abyss is here! Well him and his sister attacked a unknown god which separated them afar so now he's seeking help!"

•_I saw everyone's eyes and mouths drop...I stepped back...When they all bowed..

•_aether: "please..do stand up, you don't have to bow.."

•_kaeya: "my majesty we will give you the best luxury we could give to a prince..!"

•_aether: "no need! I would like just a house! I don't want to stand out infront of everyone I like keeping things low profile, y'know?"

•_jean: "on it!"

•_they all ran off to do their job and I sighed..great..just great! Paimon I'm so gonna murder you after this..

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