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Good morning followers, Gossip Girl here, or should I say "still here." You thought I was a person but I never said I was. I'm a revolution. Today's act of rebellion?  We know it isn't nice to reveal a lady's age but secret sources tell us Zoya Lott is 15 today. Happy birthday, Z may you deserve whatever you get. In New York, there are only two ways to celebrate a birthday, you either go big or you don't exist, but not to fear something tells us this Z day will live in infamy because if it doesn't, y'all ain't doing it right  

"Cat!" I turned around and saw JC and Audrey walking over to me "did you see JC's live?" Audrey asked

"Yes," I nodded "are you not even wearing foundation?" Julien shook her head 

"Seriously, not even concealer" Audrey gasped linking her arm with the three of us "I hate you for being so blessed, sending a posthumous thank you to your mom on this day of remembrance"

"Thank you, Aud, we can talk about you now," JC said, I burst out laughing

Audrey sighed and then she began to talk "ok so I know that we agreed to pretend our mutual dalliances with Max never happened, but I fear it's irrevocably shifted the dynamic between Ak and me"

"Really? sleeping with one of your mutual best friends that you've know since forever did that?" I asked sarcastically, JC sniggered and Audrey frowned 

"Fair, but for me, it isn't about Max, well, it is but not in that way" Audrey continued "I slept with someone of the opposite sex which is unacceptable but not abnormal, Aki, kissed a member of the same sex, not normal at all"

"Maybe it is" I stated 

"Is it possible that he's attracted to men?" JC asked 

"Obviously he's attacked to men, Julien!" Audrey cried 

"But he never told you because you use words like 'normal'" JC finished 

"Fair again, but is he like bi? or is he gay?" she wondered "I mean what if all this time that we've been together he's been hiding who he really is, hiding inside me?" 

"Just ask him if he's gay, bi, or whatever," Julien told her "he's probably scared of how you'll react" we turned onto the sidewalk where our school was "just talk to him without judgment and listen to his response, maybe stay far away from Max until you do" 

"Ooh are those chicken sandwiches?" I asked walking over to a food truck parked near the entrance of the school, I loved chicken so I was excited"

"Hey Cat" I looked up at Aki who was standing next to me in line 

"hey Ak" I smiled at him

"Have you heard from Max?" he asked and my face fell, I hadn't heard from Max in days and I was worried about him 

"uh, no, I haven't," I told Aki sadly "he's been MIA for days" 

"I'm really sorry about what went down that night," he told me 

"It's not your fault, I'm getting over it though," I said, he nodded and didn't say anything more. Truth be told I wasn't getting over it, I was still hurt from what he had said" I got my sandwich and sat down at one of the tables to eat it, I didn't want to eat inside even though it was allowed. I was finishing up when a horn blared scaring the shit out of me, I turned around to see a Mount Sinai hospital car in front of our school, that was weird.

"Whooo" my jaw dropped as Max got out of the vehicle, he kissed everyone around him and then took his drugs, I gathered my stuff and left as quickly as possible, I didn't want him to see me. 


During lunch, we went and sat on the met steps. Julien was throwing a party to get back at Zoya and we were waiting to see if Princess Nokia would play her party. "Hey, Aki" Zoya spoke up "Obie's throwing me a party tonight, you should come"

"What is she doing?" I asked Monet "does she think it's ok to ask someone from our group to her party?" 

"He can't," Audrey said loudly walking over to Z and Obie "He's going to Julien's party with me"

"I can go to both" Aki frowned 

"No, you cannot go to both, you have to choose one, so which party is it going to be? Obie's party or the girl's party?" 

"I don't have to choose, maybe you should choose" he snapped "come somewhere with me or go somewhere with somebody else" 

"Guys, Princess Nokia said yes" Julien gasped we all squealed and clapped, this was going to be the best party ever, Zoya couldn't compete 

"What just happened?" Zoya asked 

"Princess Nokia is playing Julien's party," Audrey told her "you can watch it on youtube tomorrow" she faced Aki "I guess you can too"


During my free period, I decided to go to the pool. I don't swim very often but I love to, I don't really swim I just bask in the water and think about shit that's going on in my life. I didn't know if I felt relieved that Max was back or anxious because now I have to face my problem. I hated how messy everything had become, not just about Max and me but our whole friend group was off for different reasons. I got out of the water and went to take a shower, smelling like chlorine was not my thing. I went into the showers and was warming up the water when the door opened and Max walked in, thankfully I had my bathing suit and a towel on. 

"Max, you shouldn't be here," I said 

"Why not?" he asked "It's the school gym and I go to the school" 

"It's the girl's locker room Max" I looked closely at him "wow, you look like shit" 

"Oh you should see the other guys" Max smirked 

"You know, I tried to reach you all week, all of our friends did," I told him turning off the water, at this point, I wouldn't have time to shower 

"I lost my phone at The Cook," he said leaning against the wall "it just slid out of my hand in a dark room" 

"Is all this because of what happened with your dad's?" I asked 

"What happened with my dads?" he asked 

"God, you need to lay off the drugs" I sighed "deal with your shit" 

"Why don't we deal with it together?" he walked closer to me but I pushed him back 

"You are such a waste of time Max Wolfe" I stormed out of the locker room, I guess I would have to smell like chlorine for the rest of the day. 

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