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"Dumbo Hall tonight, dears," Max said as we sat on the steps of The Met "and a reminder it is fashion week"

"How could I forget" I smiled 

"So accoutre accordingly" he finished 

"I am actually stuffing envelopes after school," Obie told us "so I'll be late, and probably rumpled and sweaty"

"You didn't do the story and now you're going to be late" I scoffed picking up Pride and Predjeudus 

"You promised you'd come with me" Obie tapped Aki 

"Yeah, just so you'd quit asking me" Aki rolled his eyes, out of the corner of my eye I saw Zoya waiting to cross the street

"Who waits for the light?" Max asked handing me half of his chocolate bar 

"Losers" I mumbled taking a bite, JC sent me a mildly dirty look and I just shrugged 

"She's not from around here" JC defended leaning back on the steps

"I still don't know who you're talking about," Luna said scrolling on her phone "as I said, I can't see freshmen" 

"You know what would trend faster than a fashion fail?" Monet asked JC and me with a smirk "a secret sister splosh video"

"Ooh she's right" I nodded 

"I've got the heels and I'd love nothing more than to just-" Monet made the act of squashing a bug while staring at Zoya who sat below us on the steps, I laughed and finished the rest of the chocolate 

"Hey" JC spoke to the Zoya who's hair was a mess "are those Bey Superstars"

"Yeah" Zoya squeaked out 

"Can I get a picture?" she stood up, Max looked at me confused "Just because our dads hate each other doesn't mean we have to right?" Audrey looked up from her book mildly concerned 

"What are you doing?" Monet asked rudely 

"What if she's cool?" JC asked 

"Judging by those shoes I'd  say not" I gave a fake smile to Zoya "they're Adidas JC, we don't wear Adidas"

"Also she has a headband on" Monet added 

"That should be a crime" Aki nudged me and shook his head telling me not to be rude

"It's actually a scarf," Zoya said "it was my- our mom's" she looked at JC who was still inspecting her 

"Did we ask" I flipped open my book once more and started to read again

"Let's do this instead" JC removed the headband and tied it around Zoya's neck instead 

"The right to the city alliance" Zoya had noticed the pin on Obies bag 

"Yeah, I-uh volunteer with them," Obie told her 

"They're doing great work"

"They try to halt the displacement of marginalized communities in historic neighborhoods" Aki listened intently seeming rather interested while Monet could care less 

"My grandpa used to work with them until he passed away, if you ever need another body I'm in" she looked down at what JC was doing 

"Julien, you've been fixing that scarf for like 5 minutes," I said "it looks fine"  

"You ever heard of the guilty rich?" JC asked Zoya "this one's the guiltiest" 

"And the richest" Max added, Obie gave a small smile while Zoya and JC took photos on the steps 

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐬 (𝐌𝐚𝐱. 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now