no not the hospital...

800 11 0

Peter's P.O.V. :
Uh owh , why am I feeling pain , my head hurts , I try to open my eyes only to be greeted with bright white walls , I readjust my sensitive eyes, squinting , blinking multiple times, I could hear people outside the door. My head hurt so much.

'Fuck I am in a hospital , I should alter the data of my blood reports'

"Em. Alter my data files in the hospital I am in right now"

"Sure , peter. I have received a message from Karen that Mama is tracking your number right now"

"Ok , Em. Override K- 1475 code, now and show me updates from the location vulture attached"

"Peter, you better eat enough right now , you need to heal , if I may remind you , your life practically depends on the food  intake and until then what you asked for waits" Emma answers with sass and concern evident in the A.I.'s voice.

"Will do Em.and oh thanks"

"Is that sarcasm I hear peter"

"Em. Tell me who made you? again. Ofcourse darling now please what I asked for "

"Fine, here you go"

I saw a news reporter talkin' to one of the girls from my class ,then a traffic camera in which vulture is carrying an unconscious body , then ultimate team getting involved , then nova flying after vulture then vulture at hospital I am now in , he was carrying...?

'it can't be , can it.....'

I heard shuffling and saw the door knob turn , I put the halo down and closed my eyes . Five set of feet approached towards my hospital bed.

"He's still unconscious, is he going to be okay?" Wait that sounded like Kamala
"He will be" this is definitely Ava
"Thank God vulture brought him to hospital on time" that should be  Luke
"Yeah I got better one , if he hadn't attacked the school to lore Spidey in the first place" that was an angry Danny which is rare to hear or see . I didn't know Danny cared so much for me

"But ....why didn't Spidey show up , he must have right ? He always shows up"
I internally freaked out , and choked onto air and snapped my eyes open. I started coughing over nothing , my body wracked with anxiety , I was shaking as I sat up thinking about my first encounter with vulture as spiderman and how hopelessly I was stuck under the building. My vision became blurry , going in and out. My breathing started getting heavy and hard it was  getting hard to breathe

I heard two voices reassuring  me and felt strong arms wrapped around me and someone was rubbing my back , I couldn't snap out of it , I felt darkness welcoming and gave in , passing out Again.

Danny's P.O.V. :
I , Luke and Ava arrived at the hospital. Ava insisted I checked up the injury with the doctor first , and so I did. The doctor said I was fine , and have a mild concussion in my head which will get cleared with good rest and few pills he had prescribed. I was getting worried at this point about Peter. I remember that look on his face , he looked scared and as if he knew what was coming already. Am I reading it wrong. I hope he is fine. Why all this had to happen especially on his birthday, I heard what happened on his last birthday , at the time we didn't know he worked for S.I. and technical support at S.H.I.E.L.D. and then there is Spidey who I thought was just this guy with good reflexes. Sometimes I would wonder if Spidey and peter were the same person but I have seen peter he is so skinny and Spidey in other hand was all jacked up.

We arrived at the 5th floor , wandering around for like 8 minutes we spot Sam who is trying to comfort a sobbing Kamala. They were in their civilian clothes and so were we. Sam stood up from his spot walking towards our direction

"Took you long" Sam says
"Had to go check someone was fine too" Ava says seeing in my direction
"How is he ?"
" He got head injury , a little broken left wrist and several cuts on his body because of glass , head injury is not that bad , at least that's what the doc said"

Ava went and comforted Kamala who was doing ok now . She looked so lost .

"Let's go see if he is awake" I say . We entered the room silently , and I saw Peter's forehead bandaged and he had his watch and bracelets still on his hand and I wandered how come they haven't broken. But then again I remembered where he works ofcourse.

We were busy arguing , that's when we hard coughing , Peter was sitting upright coughing continuously , his body trembling , he looked pale as ghost , he was gasping for air.

"Shit , guys ,he is having a panic attack"
I say. And that got everyone's attention. Kamala stared crying , Ava comforting while I and Luke were trying to hold peter and trying to talk gently. His eyes were glazed  and then he just passed out in Luke's arm. Sam had ran outside to get the doctor.

We were shooed out of the the room and spotted and very angry and worried black widow.

'what is black widow doing here'

"how I wish I never lied to my moms" by Peter Benjamin Parker-Romanoff-Denvers Where stories live. Discover now