5. Shipping? Like with a Boat?

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The sun shines through your window waking you up. You turn over a couple times trying to find a way to block it out so you can continue sleeping. Within ten minutes, you give up and roll out of bed.

Waking up in the tower was...unexpected. You were seventy percent sure you were going to wake up and find out it was all a dream.

Having somewhat figured your way around, you walk to the kitchen to see everyone—minus Loki—already sitting there in varying levels of awake-ness.

Nat stood out the most to you. She sat at the bar, her head resting on the counter and her hand griping a cup of coffee. For an assassin she doesn't seem to be very alert when she wakes up in the morning.

"Ah, sleeping beauty has arrived," Tony says, looking over at you.

"Yeah, interdimensional travel really takes a toll on a person," you respond.

"Really? That's interesting... I'll need to ask you questions about that later," Bruce says, looking up from the notebook he was writing in.

"The last time I was this tired was finals week of Junior year of High School," you tell him, taking a seat in your fold out chair. "Then, I didn't sleep for days. Now, I travel through the multiverse, so it isn't much different."

"I know how you feel, when I was in my Freshman year of College I shotgunned my first beer and it was exactly the same as when I rode a plane for the first time," Sam says sarcastically.

Before anyone could respond, Steve starts passing out plates of bacon, sunny-side-up eggs, and buttered toast to everyone, "Bon Appétit!"

"Dude...The bread is perfectly golden, how did you do it? Tell me your secrets," you say looking up at Steve.

"A good chef never reveals his secret," he smiles.

"That's a bad chef. A bad chef never reveals his secret," you sigh while biting into a piece of bacon.

"So, Y/n, I assume that since we're all fictional characters where you're from, there's a fandom as well. Which means there are ships. Right?" Bucky asks, making you choke on your bread.

"Yes, there's are ships," you cough.

"What ships do people have for us?" Bucky demands, right as Loki walks in opening the fridge to grab a yogurt.

"Umm, I mean the most popular is either you and Steve, or Steve and Tony," you answer, while Loki leans against the counter opening his yogurt.

"Ew- Me and Cap? Gross," Tony says.

"I agree," Steve says, shaking his head like he's trying to forget the idea of dating Tony.

"Then there's Sam and Bucky-"

"Bam!" Pietro yells. "That's their ship name, right?"

"It's usually just WinterFalcon or SamBucky, but I like that one," you say. "Then there's Tony and Rhodey."

"Aww Rhodes, I didn't know you felt that way about me," Tony jokes.

"There no way would I ever fall in love with you, asshole," Rhodey responds, slapping the back of Tony's head.

"Then there's Bruce and Nat," you continue.

"Hell is real and that version of me is in it," Nat says, picking her head off the table and drinking her coffee.

"Then there's Tony and Bruce, and lastly, Nat and Clint," you finish, before going back to eating.

Clint starts laughing, "Me? And Nat?! HAHA, I CAN'T-"

"Brucie-Bear that's cute," Tony says, smiling at Bruce. "You're not my type, but I guess I can look past that."


"I'm just kidding sugar bear," Tony says interrupting Bruce.

You finish your food and clean your plate, "Well, see you all later, I'm going to go shower and change into some clean clothes. Who knows what multiversal residue I have on me."

"See you later Y/n," Wanda says, waving at you.

"Oh!" Nat exclaims. "I left some Stark Industries stuff on your bedside table this morning."

"Thanks!" you respond, waving at everyone. You begin to walking to your room, and today you don't even get lost on your way there.


a/n: i am nat. nat is me.

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