30. Back Again

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You wake up in your room. Not your room in the tower, but your room.

You sit up and look around. Everything is the same as it was before you "vanished". The only things that are different are your clothing and Loki's bracelet on your wrist.

The room gets blurry as your eyes fill with tears. You don't want to be here, you want to go back. To be with Loki and the team. You liked it there. You were happy there.

Wiping your tears, you leave your bedroom. Looking for anything to tell you that you aren't actually back. That it's all an illusion, some game—an elaborate trick.

The kitchen is still the same, your favorite mug still sitting in its spot. The living room coffee table still has the book you were reading on top. The television is still on from when you were watching The Avengers. Nothing has changed. It's like you never left.

Panic begins to set in as you realize that you are back. You quickly tap the bracelet four times. "Come on Loki, bring me back. Please."

As you wait for Loki to come and save you, you look for your phone. Finding it on your bedside table, you turn it on. It's 9:24 a.m on the morning after when you 'left'.

You lay down on the couch and wait. He's coming, you won't be here for much longer. You'll be back with the team and you can continue on with your life there.

Several hours later you wake up to your phone ringing. "Yes?" you ask answering the call.

"Y/n where are you?!" your boss whisper yells at you.

"I got sick, been running a fever all day. Sorry for not calling in earlier, sir," you lie.

"I'll let it slide this time L/n, just email me those meeting plans pronto."

"I'll get right on it sir."

He hangs up on you and you rush to your laptop. "Please past Y/n have prepared this meeting. Please- There it is! Yes!" You quickly attach the file to an email and send it to your boss.

Checking the time, it's 2:46 p.m.. Where was Loki? Maybe it didn't work the first time, so you tap the bracelet four times again. And you wait.

For two days, you wait for two days. Two days of playing hooky, and working from home as you sit and wait.

Loki never shows up. He isn't coming for you. Your stuck here. Stuck alone. Stuck without Loki. And stuck working that stupid job.

You don't know what else to do so you go back to work, and you hate yourself for falling into it again so easily. The routine is like second nature to you.

You can't bare to think about anyone, and especially not him, so you haven't let yourself grieve. You pack up all your comics, and you don't go back and finish you marvel movie marathon. You avoid social media because you don't want to see his face, whether it's a screenshot from a movie or a photo of Tom. You shut yourself out from anything other than work.

Wake up, eat, go to work, eat, sleep. Rinse and Repeat. Over and over, and over, for four months.


a/n: "i'm back" "back again"
please tell me you see what i did there

Wished Away : Loki x neutral!readerWhere stories live. Discover now