12. Six months of relief

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For the next days Erik's emotional state could be described as 'mainly sad'. While the Opera Populaire was closed he didn't want to wander around, so he was composing a lot. And I really mean a lot. I was sitting with him most of the days, going out from time to time to buy food. He decided to evade the topic of the disasters to a point where he just didn't want to acknowledge my existance at all. I just waited patiently for him to come back to his senses himself; I didn't mind him ignoring me at all. I knew that once he is ready to talk, he'll do it.

After about a week or two, Erik came back to his normal routines and started actually paying attention to the fact that I was still around. Our first convesation had provided me with the information that he was really sorry for what he'd done. I forgave him, we needed each other; I couldn't just reject him and come back to the state that we had been in since the night of "Il Muto", or worse: to the state before we had met.

Even though Erik was the Phantom od the opera, I believed that he could be changed. He wasn't completely morally rotten and had human feelings, though he couldn't control himself sometimes. In this time that I had spent with him, I learned how to handle his various weirdnesses. He didn't like the fact that I knew him inside out. I liked it though. One day, during dinner he asked:

"Why are you still here?"

I was baffled. Did he not want me to accompany him? The perspective of being all alone again took away my words for a while. After it I started:

"I can go, if you don't-"

"No, no. It's just..." he hesitated "You should have ran from me."

Poor Erik, self-deprecating again. Why couldn't he understand his own worth as a human being, I'll never comprehend.

"Erik" I sighed "I don't want to leave."

He looked up ashamed as always, but smiled as soon as he saw me.

"What am I going to do with myself somewhere else? We've grown closer. You're like my..." well, family ties weren't exactly what described our relation "...dad and older brother in one?" I smiled sillily. He laughed weakly. "And I am Not  Scared." I added confidently.

He went silent. He realised where I was going with my little speech, soon with that came a realisation that he can't stop me. I gave him a begging look and Erik sighed. I slowly put a hand on his mask and took it off. His pitiful face emerged from underneath it. I examined it in silence. Erik was on the verge of tears, but I just placed my hand on the deformity. Then I pulled him into a hug. He was completely silent and soon placed his hands on my back as well. The difference in height really made it feel like he was on ebog blanket wrapped around me.

I really hoped Erik could believe that his face alone does not make him a monster. And I knew that ever since he was a child, the only thing he had been getting from his own parents was loathing, but I wanted to help him get over it. It was not fair - the way that he had been treated his whole life.

"Why can't Christine look at me the way you do?" He whispered, more like to himself, but I heard it anyway.

"Christine will return in a few months, probably for the masquerade. And then we can figure it out." I assured him.

In fact I had no idea what I was talking about. Erik didn't give up on his love for Christine, even though he knew how much she loved Raoul. The only thing I needed to figure out was how to stop the Phantom from doing something terrible again because of that. Coping with him was complicated, to say the least. I felt like I was his therapist... But still, I would do anything to make sure, he was mentaly alright.

This night Erik was composing again... late at night. Woken up by the music, I rubbed my eyes and sat up on the blanket. Erik was at his organ, softly pressing the keys, making a beautiful melody come out and ring out through the caves. It was as if he wanted me to wake up and listen; if yes, then he succeeded. I got up and walked over to him. He stopped playing, but soon started another melody; a very slow and sweet one. I felt the music in my body causing me to swing from side to side. Suddenly the notes of the organs didn't even matter, because I heard Erik's voice:

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