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The Aston Martin sped down the street, it's speed so shocking it was a blur. It swerved round a corner and zoomed toward the London eye. The driver was James, relentless and excited, he was finally going to put an end to the INSIGHT incursion.

The CEO of MI6s arms dealer company was the one who had bought the evil red powder and manipulated it to perform villainy...

James leaped from his car and sped onto one of the observation wheels capsules. Looking up, he scanned the pods above to apprehend the man. He noticed a tall, bulky man with a goatee and a baseball cap in the pod just on top of him. James recognised him some how, who was he? Where did he remember him from?

Of course. It was him. The arms dealer who had caused him so much calamity. Mr Jeff Kent.
Bond was to end this. Get rid of him once and for all. Bond had to kill him.

007:SHOOT TO KILLWhere stories live. Discover now