Chapter 1

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I wasn't going to post the first chapter yet but I can't make you guys wait too long so here it is! You meet Master Apollo and slave, my most hardcore couple of the characters. This book will be extreme, more so than Damon and Mason and even more than Adrian. The first chapter is very light so this one is okay, but fair warning, don't read if you are sensitive to more hard kinds of things or you're uncomfortable reading it. It'll get painful, messy, disgusting, but if you're into that kind of stuff then read ahead my little degenerates <3

slave's pov

The fancy black car pulls up outside a huge mansion as I feel my heart beat heavily in my chest. This is the first day of my new life.

My new life as Master's slave.

I have no name, no formal documents, no house, no money, nothing. I'm His slave, His  property.

"Follow me, you do not look at anything but the floor and you certainly don't speak," He says, His deep voice filling the car as He opens His door. He didn't drive, He has a chauffeur for a reason. Billionaires don't drive themselves.

I open my car door and follow Master, my eyes staying down as I only look at the back of His expensive shoes so I know where I'm going. I hear the large doors open and I keep following as Master walks inside. He stops so I stop in my tracks and keep my eyes down. I hear someone else close the door and walk away as Master stands silently facing me.

He walks behind me and I feel handcuffs close around my wrists before I feel His hand gently touch my hip. I stand still as He walks around me, his footsteps holding so much power over me. I glance up slightly and see He's holding a large pair of fabric scissors that He then uses to cut my clothes off me. I stand still as the fabric falls the floor and I'm left naked in front of my Master.

"I'll give you a tour of the house, you may look around but if I notice you make eye contact with me you'll be severely punished," He says calmly and I nod.

He starts walking and shows me the many large living rooms, the kitchen, the dining room, the bathrooms, His office, His bedroom, and finally the playroom.

"Display kneeling," He orders. I do as He says instantly and He corrects my position with His foot.

"This is the playroom, you'll be sleeping in your crate here every night. You have to earn the privilege to have your crate in my room. Now, I'm going to list my rules. You will reply with 'yes Master' when I have stopped speaking and nothing else, understood?"

"Yes Master," I answer.

"You may never step foot into my bedroom or my office without my permission. Slaves don't belong in my spaces unless I want you there," He says firmly.

"Yes Master."

"You will only speak when given permission by me. If I ask you a question you will answer with 'yes Master' or 'no Master', nothing else unless I ask you to elaborate. You will only address me with Master, anyone else will be Sir or Miss, you are my slave and no one else's."

"Yes Master."

"You may not wear clothes unless I have specifically instructed you to do so. Slaves don't wear clothes because your body is mine and I wish to see it at all times. The only clothing you will wear is a collar if I award you one."

"Yes Master."

"You may never leave the house without my permission, you may only go in the garden to urinate or defecate, until I award you bathroom privileges, understood?"

"Yes Master."

"You may not open the front door to anyone, as I have servants and maids to do that. You may never speak to a servant or maid or even interact with them. They know who you are to me and they are here to do their job."

It Has No Feelings (manxman) {BDSM} 18+Where stories live. Discover now