Maybe Not So Bad

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When I got home my little brother was on the porch playing with his trucks.

"Livey! Livey! Livey!" He shouts when he saw me. He ran up to me and jumped into my arms.

"Hey bud what are you doing?"

"Playing with my twucks!"

Seeing that little smile on his face makes my life feel no so bad.

"So where's Momma?"

"Inside" he says as he sits back down next to his trucks.

"Ok I will be right back and we can play in the woods. I just need to talk to Momma ok?!?"



I walk inside and find my mom.

"Hey Mom" I say when I see her

"Oh hi Liv do you have homework?"

"I already finished it in 13th period." I said, throwing my bag down. Mom nodded and I smiled.

I saw Mom look out the window at Mason. "How 'bout you go play with Mason? I'm going to watch The Walking Dead." She said. I nodded and went out to see Mason playing with his 'twucks.'

"Mason c'mon!" I say, grabbing my little brothers hand. He smiled.


'Are you coming?' I asked between telepathy. Mason whined.

'Yes Livey.' He said as we walked farther into the woods.

Mason suddenly transformed, which scared me. I transformed too and we saw Zachary, sitting on a cut-down tree trunk and with a guitar.


I ran up to him and sat beside him. He screamed at my presence and Mason squealed behind me in fright. I glared at him and he laughed, backing away.

"LIV WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" He asked me. I whined and transformed, running away. "Olivia I- Oh." He said when I came back with a stick.

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