Chapter 7: Final Stretch Part 1

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There's no way in hell I would be going down there, especially in a small space like this where I can't really run around and fight. If there is something through that doorway where those bottles were coming from, then London will deal with it. In the meantime, I'll be searching for... actually, I don't know what I'm looking for. Something that represents Jose, I guess. I shouldn't really think about it now and instead, just focus on running through this house. It seemed pretty small outside except for when you weren't really looking at it, then it looked huge like a never-ending hotel. 

My legs began to pick up speed as I ran through small and winding hallways, seeing the wallpaper peeling off and rust growing on the door knobs of every room. I needed to look through each one, quickly turning the handle and peering inside to see... nothing. Literally nothing as the first room I looked inside was bare of everything except for a boarded-up window. When I was outside, I didn't notice any of the windows like that. Actually, all of them seemed perfectly normal when I was out there. Quickly, I looked into the others just to see the same thing. 

This was a total waste of time as I refused to open the others that I came across, turning around each corner until the thought that I've been running too long began to seed doubt itself in my head. A minute, maybe two minutes of dashing across this house and going in circles and yet I haven't seen London or any of the rooms I was just previously in. Before long, I had to stop and figure out where I was, opening another room to see that it was different than the rest. The wall paper was totally torn off the walls this time with the carpet on the floor was lifted and torn off. The windows too were broken with some pieces of cardboard barely covering them. What I didn't understand was that there was a hole in the ground, carefully moving closer to look inside. A basement would be the best place to find what we were looking for in this dumbass's head. Something was off as I looked down, however, as it opened up to a room that looked just like the ones that I opened earlier. A bare room with nothing inside and slits of sunlight peering through the boards on the windows. I had to check this out, jumping down and opening the door out of here to see the same hallway I was running through. What the hell is going on? I was... wasn't I just in here, or maybe the basement looks just like the rest of the house. But what about the windows, they were clearly above ground. God, I can't wrap my head around it. If this is really a dream, then I don't need to understand how all of this works, running out and restarting my journey through this maze. It really was a maze too as the hallway began to split and change into different directions too. How am I supposed to get anywhere in this goddamn house? 

As the hope was beginning to fade, I came across a hallway that had a glass bottom. It was something new and I guess that's a good thing, cautiously walking across only to see London run past like his life was on the line. He was darting across to the other side of the hallway and seemed to be moving way faster than I was. At least he's doing what he's supposed to do instead of slacking off like he always does. Why did he seem so desperate, or was he just being a coward? I don't really care as I bolted to the other side of the glass floor, not even giving a second thought as to how I was a whole floor above him. That wasn't the only new thing I found in this maze of a house either, finding a wide hallway that you might see in a mall or something. It's hard to describe how large it was, I guess I could say that it could fit two of me from head-to-toe. So, about ten feet across and went up two stories. With each step, I felt the uncertainty of if this really was where I was supposed to go, only to find a gaping hole at the top of the stairs that swallowed the entire landing. It was as large as a car and when I looked down, I could only see darkness. It seemed to just continue down endlessly with no walls, just an empty abyss waiting for me. If this wasn't the destined path, then I don't know what I'll do. I turned toward the bottom of the stairs, cupping my hands, and yelled out for London. Silence was the only response I got as all I could do was yell again. There's really no way in hell that I would go through that maze again. I could go by myself but should I take a chance on this place without any help. What if I did find something here? I can't run around them or jump to a better ledge to figure out my next move like I could do outside with those things.

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