Adam Scott

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Adam Scott: Coworker at Kendal’s Koffee: 18 years old: Hobbies include: swimming, cooking, and watching HGTV

It had been a little over two weeks; things had begun to go back to normal almost, well for everyone but my family. Of course it was still a touchy subject around school, but other than that nobody knew. I mean people die everyday, and I’m just one out of six billion, do you realize how little people actually know of my existence? It was just a small bump in the road for mostly everyone. I say mostly because Adam was still having a rough time. Its funny, he didn’t even like me but as I sit here, watching him interact with the customers I know something is wrong.

“Can I have a strawberry mocha swirl latte, and can you put those little designs on the top like the girl always did?” not a very hard request right? I always loved doing those designs. I used to be so bad, but as I practiced I only got better. I was the only one who knew how to do them; I did them on every latte I made, simply because it was fun and helped me relax.

“No I cannot ‘put those little designs on the top’! You don’t just put those on the top, maybe you should go somewhere else to have those on the top.” I was appalled by his response. Adam was always the one to be tipped the most because everyone loved him.

Adam was the guy of the café who was always making customers laugh, asking about their day and their plans for the future, and even giving guys his number. They never called, well simply because they thought he wasn’t serious, but really he just wanted some friends. He was what some might say, flamboyant.  He wasn’t discrete about his sexuality; he didn’t care what other people thought of him. That was what made me love him. Even though he hated me. Hate is a strong word, he mildly disliked me. I believe it was because I could do the designs he had tried so many times to master but failed every time, and that I was the second most requested server, I was competition. I also liked to annoy him because it was so easy. I wasn’t mean about anything, just really good at getting on his nerves, by saying ‘um’ after every third word, and twirling my hair, smacking my gum.

The customer nodded quietly, and waited for his latte, Adam walked away quickly and went to make the drink. He grabbed a mug, and began to make the drink. I couldn’t help but smile as he tried desperately to make a design, any design in the foam. Then he stopped. His hands went onto the counter, bracing himself against what was to come. I knew this side of him. Whenever he got a really nasty customer, he would do this to make sure he wouldn’t snap.

Then he began to cry. Not loudly, or noticeably. Tears gently slid down his cheeks, and he took a deep breath. He wiped his hands over his face, did three small jumps grabbed the latte and took it to the customer, who graciously took it without a word. As another customer walked in, Adam rushed to the break room to avoid his responsibilities. I hardly ever went in the break room, I liked to be occupied as much as possible. It was small, with a table and chairs, a couch, microwave, fridge, and a TV that was definitely from the 60’s, well that’s what Adam and I decided that when I first got hired here.

There was a picture of me on the wall, along with my obituary, and pictures of lattes I had made with the best designs I had ever done. It was simple and cute, workers had left little sticky notes with what they wanted to say to me on them. I felt my eyes begin to gloss over from tears, I never expected so much from anyone. Adam lay on the couch, pinching the bridge of his noise, a laugh escaped him. “You’re an ass Adelaide,”

“You aren’t even here but shit you are pissing me off, god. How did I even deal with you here? Like its worse without you,” he laughed, and laughed. He just kept laughing, the problem is that he has the most contagious laugh in the world, so I started laughing too.

“I didn’t really hate you, I was just jealous of you. You were so perfect and got all the guys. You have an advantage, your boobs. See if I had boobs no guys here would request you. Who am I supposed to rant to now? Kathy doesn’t have a mean bone in her body, Patrick is well not who I feel comfortable talking to. Gosh didn’t you think about me when you decided to do this? Did you not see how I would be left to fend for myself without you? C’mon Adelaide, I need you. Ugh. This is so unsatisfying, see! Exactly my point, ranting to no one isn’t fun either, I’m going to rock you headstone darling.”

He reached for his jacket and took off his apron, hanging it on the wall. Then proceeded to strut out of there like it was nobodies business, that’s how he tried to get me to walk out everyday. It didn’t work. As he reached to push the door, it was swung open. Adam looked up to see Carter and I knew where my story was heading next.

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