Thank you

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Once again, I just wanted to thank you all for reading this story and, for all of you who voted and commented, an even more special thank you! You own my heart!

If you wish to tell me anything about the story, please feel free, I'd love to know more about your opinions! Maybe tell me what you thought about the plot, or Dani, or how her relationship with JJ developed or anything, really.

In any case, that should be all for now! I do have an Aaron Hotchner story that I'm working on but it should be up in a few weeks. Also, have planned a Luke Alvez story, if that is something that you're interested in. If you want to see lore about Dani and JJ, I might make another story about them, but that reallt depends on you and how well this story goes. Also, might make an Emily Prentiss story too, someday. In any case, there will be more criminal minds stories coming soon.

For now, that will be all. So, thank you so much for reading and commenting! Your support means everything!

Stay safe

Lots of love <3

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