
327 10 11

Europe, 2014

Dani stood up from her chair in a haste as soon as she locked her phone, knocking down pencils and papers in her way. She didn't really care, though, shoving her phone in her pocket, Dani grabbed her coat and her purse and pulled open her office door, her heels clicking as she walked through the bullpen of the FBI field office in Paris she had been working on for a while now, causing everyone there to stop and turn to look at her.

"Agente Moreno?" One of the other agents called, as she followed the woman with worried eyes. "Est-ce que tout va bien?"

"Oui, agente Moulin." She answered with a nod of her head, even though it was clear that wasn't really the truth. "Tout va bien."

Dani could tell poor agent Moulin still seemed worried about her - actually, everyone who saw her rushing through the office was worried about her - but she didn't particularly care. Not when the conversation she had just had still kept replaying in her head.

"JJ is in trouble."

Agent Hotchner didn't even have to say much more for Dani to jump up from her chair, but he had. He had told her she had been missing for hours now and that they had figured out something about Integrity.

"We don't know what it is yet, but we think..."

"JJ was taken because of it." Dani had said. "I'm on my way. I should be there in a few hours. We'll debrief on the plane."

And so, Dani had rushed out of the office and straight to one of the FBI jets. She had wanted to head to D.C. immediately. JJ had been taken because of Integrity and that probably meant she was at the hands of Askari. For hours now, according to Hotch and if she had been in Askari's hold for that long... Oh, she wanted to be there now, she wanted to find her and burst through whatever door tried to keep her away from JJ and she wanted to kill Askari with her own hands, but she needed to make another quick pit-stop first. So, telling the pilot to take her to London, Dani paced around the jet for the whole duration of the flight, only stopping when they landed once more, pulling her coat over her shoulders as she rushed out of the jet.

"Don't leave." She told the pilot, who just nodded dutifully at her. "I should be back soon."

"Yes, ma'am." The man said, moving to sit back down in the control cabin to wait for her return.

Dani thanked him briefly, rushing through the tarmac and straight toward the building she needed to be in. After telling the secretary who she was and who she needed to see, she had been allowed inside quickly.

"It's an emergency." She had urged, as soon as the poor secretary had reached for the phone. "You can announce me, if you want, but please, let me in."

The secretary hesitated, but that was Supervisory Special Agent Daniella Moreno and if she said it was an emergency, especially considering she looked as disheveled as she did, then it probably meant it was an emergency. The woman had nodded then, offering Dani a card and pointing at the elevators behind them.

"Seventh floor, to the right." She said, as Dani nodded.

"Thank you."

And, after that, Dani ran toward the elevator, waiting for it for a second, before sighing when the doors didn't immediately open for her.

"Screw this..." She mumbled, rushing up the stairs as she climbed up the seven floors as quickly as she could in her high heeled boots.

Pushing the door open, Dani walked through the floor, sparing no one a single glance as she made her way toward the office she needed to go to and the secretary must have announced her arrival, truly, because, just before Dani could even knock on the door, it was pulled open and, standing there in front of her, was no one other than Emily Prentiss herself.

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