epilogue - it's a blob

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6 months later...

"Lila, are you ready?" I shouted from outside of her bedroom door. It's Lila's fourth birthday today.

I've been told not to go in while she gets dressed. My mom took her shopping for a party outfit, but I'm not allowed to see it until she's got it on. My parents treat her as their grand-pup; they spoil her rotten when we go around to their house.

I was expecting Leon to be sad and quiet today... Maybe even a little withdrawn, but he's not. I guess he's used to it, having to be strong for Lila. He's not pulling away from me or shutting me out, which I'm grateful for... I wouldn't hold it against him if he did, not today.

"Come in," Lila's little voice squealed from the inside of her room.

I opened her door and peered around. "Oh, Lila, you look beautiful." I cooed as I went towards her. She had on a red dress that stopped just above her knees with white tights and red shoes. She looked so cute.

"Will you do my hair, please?" She asked.

I nodded then went over to her bed. She followed and climbed on. She sat crossed legged in front of me, grinning. "How do you want it?" I inquired, looking at her.

"Like yours," She answered, pointing at my hair laying on my shoulder in a loose braid. I nodded, gathering all of her hair and quickly braided it.

"There, you look like a princess now," I chirped.

She brushed her hand over her braid and smiled sweetly at me. "I look like you," she whispered. I nodded and sat next to her on her bed.

"What's up?" I questioned, lifting her chin.

"I wish you were my mummy," she muttered.

My heart dropped as I sucked in a shaky breath. I draped my arms around her, "I may not be the mummy that gave birth to you... But, Lila, I love you like you are my own. I'm like your mummy in other ways." I sighed.

She didn't get the chance to meet her mum, so I can understand that she wishes I was her mum... I wish I am too. "Could I... Could I call you mummy?" She whispered.

"You can call me whatever you want. Why don't you talk to your daddy first?" I replied, pulling her onto my knee.

Leon is outside the door. I felt him a while back, but he hasn't come in. He's probably stood there listening.

"Lilith is here, and she's adamant she needs to talk to you," Leon murmured through the link.

I sighed and pushed Lila back a little. "I need to go talk to Lilith, so I'm going to tell daddy to come and talk to you, ok?" I explained as I sat her next to me. She nodded, smiling as she picked up a book that was on her bed.

I opened the door and stepped into the hallway. "I know you're here," I stated as Leon stepped out of the door opposite Lila's room. He chuckled as he stepped in front of me. "No hiding from you, is there?" He rolled his eyes playfully.

"No... Now go talk to your daughter; she's upset." I wrapped my arms around his neck and reached up, giving him a chaste kiss. "Yess, boss." He retorted.

I chuckled I as strolled down the hallway, swaying my hips a little when I felt his eyes on me. He let out a low growl before heading into Lila's room.

I made my way downstairs. Lilith was stood outside of my office door. She had a huge smile on her face and was bouncing on her heels. I raised my brow as I reached her.

"You are!" She gushed.

"I have absolutely no idea what you are on about, woman." I rolled my eyes as she followed me into my office. I closed my door and turned to face her.

"I'm pregnant," she announced. My mouth dropped open, and my eyes went wide. "You are?" I clamoured. She nodded excitedly.

"So are you!" She continued, pointing at me.

"What? No, I'm not." I shook my head. If I was... Leon would have been able to sense a second heartbeat.

"You are... You're very early, but you are." She mentioned, "your aura has changed. That's how I know." She explained.

I whirled and opened the door, "Where are you going?" She questioned. I glanced back at her, "To find out for sure," I nodded.

She huffed, "fine, but you are." She added as she followed me out.

"There... That's your pup" The nurse referred to a blob on the screen. I scrunched my brows as I looked at the tiny little thing on the screen. "Luna, are you ok?" The nurse asked.

Am I ok?

No, I'm freaking the fuck out!

"Lilith, get the Alpha." The nurse quickly shouted as I started hyperventilating.

I heard the door open and close. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. I was excited but nervous.

How do I tell Leon I'm pregnant... on this day?... He'll be terrified of history repeating itself. Would he be happy?

Today was supposed to be all about Lila... Not the pup growing inside of me.

"Baby... What's wrong?" Leon fretted as he rushed into the room.

I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. He stood next to me and leaned over looking at the screen. "Ayla," he whispered. I turned to him slowly; he had a massive grin on his face. "Is that?-" He choked.

"It's a blob, Leon," I muttered. He chuckled and shook his head. "It's our pup," he whispered, looking down at me lovingly.

I sniffled as a tear fell down my cheek. "That is a happy tear, right?" He whimpered. I nodded my head as I sat up. "Lilith was right... She's pregnant too. The prophecy is coming true." I sighed. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

"We'll get through it, beautiful." He muttered.

"Are... Are you happy?" I mumbled.

He pushed me back and gazed at me. "Are you serious? Baby... This is the best news ever. There is a little pup... Our little pup, growing inside of you." He breathed, placing his hand over my stomach. "Ayla, I'm over the moon. I love you," he gushed before planting his lips over mine.

"We don't tell Lila today... It's her day; we don't take that away from her." I declared after I pulled away breathless from his kiss.

He looked sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ah... She's here," he chuckled. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Bring her in," I giggled.

Leon stepped to the door and pulled it open. "You can come in, sweetheart." He mentioned as Lila came walking through the door with a worried expression.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" She asked, scanning her eyes everywhere. She stopped by the bed and stared up at me with a fearful expression on her face.

Leon picked her up and sat her next to me. "What's that blob on the screen?" She asked. I chuckled as Leon groaned.

"Lila, that's your brother," I whispered, wrapping my arm around her.

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