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THE FLAME OF the candle flickered luminously from shades of blue to bright ambers as they glimmered in their surroundings, illuminating through the darkness of the lounge

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THE FLAME OF the candle flickered luminously from shades of blue to bright ambers as they glimmered in their surroundings, illuminating through the darkness of the lounge.

The woman adorned in a pure white dress sat at one corner of the couch with an erect spine and held the cup of chamomile tea with a poise screaming docility and gentleness. Delilah, appeared to be as delicate as a rose, just like her name.

On the other hand, Nehan sat in the manly way, sipping from the tea she had offered him. They had made no talk since the introductions of each other's name and had been sipping their tea silently.

"Let me tell you about myself." Nehan interrupted the silence engulfing them as he placed his cup on the table in front of him. Delilah, who had been gazing into the hearth of the fire place, shifted her gazelle eyes towards him as the flame danced in the depths of the earthen soil.

He spoke after her encouraging gaze, "I am an Arab, a widow in my early thirties." He informed her. "My wife died at the mercy of the plague a year ago."

"My condolences," she took the last sip from her cup and placed it on the table beside his cup. "Was it a marriage of love?" She questioned eagerly.

"Yes," he nodded his head with a sad smile at the remembrance of his wife. "Amara, was a beautiful woman." He told her. "I had been fond of travelling since my youth. We met in the Rome, where she lived in a Convent."

The clouds grumbled outside lashing the downpour on the walls of the villa. "She belonged to a family of merchants who lost their lives in an accident. Since then, she was taken in my the nuns and brought up as they waited for someone to come to Rome and bring her back home."

He clasped his hands together and bended forward resting his elbows on his knees. He noticed from his peripheral vision that she stared intently at him, wanting to know more. "No one came and she found family among the sisters. One fortunate day, we met during my stay at Rome, fell in love, got married and moved to settle in London."

"We were living a happily married life when an unfortunate day, she was found vomiting blood. Her health deteriorated and then she left me alone in this wretched world which I am travelling again in order to overcome my grief." He blinked back the pools of hot water from his eyes, exhaling a sigh.

When he turned around to look at the woman, her gazelle eyes glistened with tears and she sniffed in a breath. "May she live among the stars." Delilah shifted in her seat nearing him and squeezed his clasped hands with her cold ones. Nehan, at first felt shock of such a bold move, but later on, discarded it as her way of sympathising with him.

"Tell me about yourself, Delilah. Why a young woman like you is living alone?" He felt intrigued since the moment he had stepped in this gigantic place.

It was just a night, one single night after which they both were supposed to be on separate ways. So, they felt no harm in opening to each other, voicing their grievances and sorrows, their worries and happiness.

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