Chapter - 14

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Nadia felt like she should be doing more, contributing more. Seeing everyone run around, made her feel useless. She felt like she was guiltily on a vacation by herself while dumping all the hard work on others.

Falcon and Father Clay were out most of the time and only came home to eat and sleep. Falcon had said they were out preparing for the journey back but wouldn't say what exactly he was doing. Ship? crew? supplies? Nadia hadn't heard of any plan from either of them but they seemed to be working on a schedule.

She wanted to help and had asked Falcon what she could do. She insisted she was pretty used to carrying heavy weights to and from the hill so she could come in handy. She also knew all the shops for essentials. But Falcon had dismissed her saying there was no way he was letting her work. She should use that time to rest and gather up her strength for what was to come. But when everyone else dragged back late at night bleary eyed and weary it only made Nadia more restless. She should be doing something. She wasn't used to not having anything to do.

Also resting for Nadia meant staying cooped up with her thoughts. Which went wilder every second. Her thoughts kept drifting to Falcon. And while she was well aware that he was enervated and working really hard. She felt a jab every time she bounced down the stairs to meet him and he barely smiled back at her.

Ever since that day in the forest, his eyes had become hazy and he didn't seem to be able to focus on anything. His hair had become disheveled and his clothes became more and more crumpled . Nadia doubted he was even sleeping. At dinner he kept looking down at his plate without touching anything and only took part in desultory conversations.

Nadia worried he might be sick. Maybe the food didn't suit him. Maybe the water made him sick. Maybe he unknowingly ate some bad berries. She thought about him often. But underneath all that worry she couldn't help be a little stung that he wouldn't tell her his worries. He wouldn't let her help. She was hesitant in asking him directly and she doubted he would tell her. Get a grip on yourself, you have known him for five days, there was no reason for him to indulge me, she scolded herself repeatedly.

Nadia had an ephemeral thought that maybe she should approach Father Clay to talk to him. They could do away with the ice between them. She hadn't spoken to him directly once and she wondered if he was reticent about his thoughts. But every time she even came into his peripheral his face contorted as if the devil himself was reincarnated in front of him. She didn't know why but he seemed to really despise her. Nadia doubted if she would ever have the courage to talk to him.

Minerva had it worst of them all. She had be stuck to Father Clay all the time. She took him to whichever shop he needed to go and then carried his luggage back home. She couldn't work in her beloved gardens and could not go to the West Wells to sell her produce. She also had to make extra food for three people she didn't like. Nadia could see Minerva's face going red from frustration every time she had to sit with any of them. Her hand wringing and her eyes blazing, like she wished they would combust right there. They really were running her ragged.

Sometimes Nadia felt a tiny bit of sympathy for her but it got instantly quelled when they would come face to face. Minerva still refused to look Nadia in the eyes.

But now, it didn't pain her as much. Nadia was kind of glad that Minerva was like this, leaving her behind didn't bother her as much as it should.

Nadia awoke very early in the morning and then spent rest of the day either deciding which books she should bring with her or whiling her time in the orchard. She had only a few sets of clothes so she didn't have to worry about that. She shoved them all in her bag.

She didn't go to the forest after that day with Falcon. Although it was foolish, she wanted to treasure her last time there. How she had admitted that she scared . The way Falcon had been so kind. Smiled so warmly back at her. How he looked with flowing hair and sunlight hitting his back like it was his own halo. How relaxed her heart had felt for the first time ever. Every worry she had about the outside world shadowed by her excitement of what she would find there. What she would see. And if Falcon would be around her like he promised he would. She had butterflies every time she thought about that. Is this what it felt like to have hope?

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