xxv. real bad

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jisoo shivered in her little sweater, wrapping her arms around herself as she stood and waited for taehyung under an awning up front her internship.

fuck you, kim taehyung. she thought. she should have known he'd ditch her but, really? second time in the last 4 months that he's ditched her without notice. she was really counting on him this time, too. ugh. she rolled her eyes. but before she could bring herself to resent him, she realized that she herself was getting ready to break his heart that evening.

jisoo had planned to get her best friend alone in the car and tell him about the fact that she was packing her bags and moving to seoul and that they had about five months left to really spend time with each other. goddamnit.

deep in thought, she didn't notice a sleek, black, porshe pulled up in front of her and rolled down the window. what pulled the girl out of her head was someone hollering, "jisoo!"

what she came to see was a very concerned looking eunwoo getting out of his car and taking off his very expensive jacket. "hey," he started. "c'mon, get in the car." he ordered, putting the jacket over her head and leading her to the car. the pretty boy opened the door for jisoo, shut it, and quickly ran to the driver's side, drenched.

jisoo's heart squeezed at the sight.

"you okay?" he asked. jisoo nodded, finding herself unable to speak. "m-my friend was supposed to pick me up." was all she said after eunwoo started the car and turned on the heater and stuff.

"well, clearly they're doing a bad job of it." he tried, smiling a little. "i'll take you home, hm? what's your address?" he gave her his phone so she could type it in.

"eunwoo, really, thank you." she said, still holding onto her jacket as she looked around his car. it was definitely a luxury car. different from taehyung's old one that he got from his dad, who's also had it since the boy was like six years old.

handsome, rich, sporty, and smart? eunwoo really was the whole package.

he chuckled, keeping his eyes on the road. "nah, it's just me repaying you for helping me out all summer." jisoo smiled at her remembrances of the last two months. come the end of the school year, jisoo was offered an internship at the local hospital and it just so happened that it was the hospital eunwoo's dad worked in. the boy was also shadowing his dad and doing little errands for him around the facility. so five days a week, they saw each other and would have lunch together, so by the end of summer, they had formed a really tight bond.

"oh, that? it was nothing." she joked. "how can i repay you for this?" jisoo immediately asked, fiddling with her seatbelt. she figured he would just say 'no'. that she didn't have to repay him. that's why his next words shocked her even more.

"go on a date with me."


"work, you piece of shit!" taehyung shouted at his phone, bordering on distracted driving as he drove to jisoo's house.

you see, after dropping off joy and her friends at her house, he did immediately make his way to the hospital but then bam! rush fucking hour had started and before he knew it, it was raining and it was 5:30 and jisoo was probably really disappointed in him.

and he would have called if his stupid phone didn't run out of battery. he would have called if his stupid charger in the car chose to work today.

but when he pulled up to the front, the girl in question was nowhere to be found. he roamed the parking lot in desperation, looking to see if she would be around the other entrance. his frustrated self tried his best not to literally break his phone in half when he got back in the car, wishing he could call his friend.

what if something bad happened to her? busan is dangerous when it gets to late after all. fuck. this is all my fault. i'm a horrible friend.

his thoughts lingered on heart shaped lips, jet black hair, and chocolate brown eyes. he figured he'd go to her house to see if by some miracle she had already gotten home.

when he pulled up to his driveway, going 40 miles an hour in a neighborhood, he saw a very expensive car leaving the kim house next door.

"who the fuck-" he whispered, trying to eye the person inside but the porshe was too tinted to be sure. putting it off, he practically galloped next door and rang the doorbell, only for jisoo's dad to face him.

"sir," he bowed. "did jisoo get home, by chance?" the man tsked and looked down on him. "yes, she did."

"oh, thank god." taehyung sighed a breath of relief and clutched his chest. looking up and thanking god silently. meanwhile, jisoo's dad gave him a disappointed glare.

"don't ever let that happen again, kid. seriously, something bad could have happened to my daughter." the boy next door gulped nervously under his best friend's father's gaze.

"yes, sir. of course not. i am so sorry. i just had a lapse in judgement today. it won't happen again. i promise you that." he practically pleaded.

mr. kim scoffed. "don't make promises you can't keep." just as he was about to close the door, taehyung stopped him with a careful hand.

"may i speak to jisoo?" he asked, his eyes softening as he tried to get a glimpse of her inside the house.

"she's doing homework." mr. kim replied. "go home, boy. and be thankful that eunwoo kid came to rescue otherwise your ass would be grass right now." he said in finality before shutting the door in his face.

stunned, taehyung walked back to his house but not before glancing up at jisoo's bedroom window.

okay, one, jisoo's dad has never talked to him like that before. in the past, they'd always been something of friends, always talking about the latest soccer game or cars. and number two, eunwoo did what?!

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