Chapter 10: Ryu

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Despite Satoshi’s warning that Kari might still need some space, I can’t help myself from hoping that I might get to see her again today. And that she would want to talk to me about yesterday. He’s right that we haven’t known each other very long. But in just the short amount of time that we’ve been talking, I feel like I could never find out anything about her that would make me like her any less. In fact, I like her more with every thing I discover about her. 

When I see her at her locker the next morning, my hope grows and I even become a little excited. I smile and start to make my way towards her. She’s looking into her locker and hasn’t seen me yet. I am almost at her side when she glances sideways and spots me. Her eyes flash oddly and I notice that a frown remains on her lips. 

My smile falters when I see she doesn’t react the way I was expecting. I slow down, beginning to hesitate. Time seems to stop for a minute as we regard each other. Then, all of a sudden, she slams her locker closed, zips her bag shut, and walks off in the opposite direction. 

As I feel a stab of hurt and rejection shoot through me, I try to remember what Satoshi told me: that she might need some space for a while. I think all people do sometimes. I know there are times I need it - especially after a bad day. The feeling ebbs slightly as I keep this in mind. If she wants space, then I am determined to give it to her. The last thing I would ever want is for her to get sick of me and not want me around. It may only be one day, but I know I’ll miss her. 

Later in the day, I arrive at art class a little bit early. Hoping against hope that things have changed. But when I walk into the classroom, I notice Kari right away. Sitting at the front. Head down. Headphones on. 

I feel that stab of pain come back from this morning. But again, I remind myself that she needs some space, some time away from me. Which of course means she would find it difficult sitting next to me in our usual spot in the back. 

I shouldn’t be surprised about this. I shouldn’t have expected us to be back to normal in the span of less than a day. But some part of me was a tiny bit hopeful. I know now that I will have to be a little more patient. 

So I will try. I attempt to be patient, to wait and see if she will decide to come and talk to me about what’s wrong. 

Wednesday passes, school ends, I go to bed and it’s Thursday. It passes pretty much as the day before had. I catch some glimpses of her in the hall, but she hardly even looks at me. 

By Friday, I feel like I’m going insane. She won’t look at me, or talk to me. Every time I even get the slightest bit close to her in the halls, she shies away so we don’t accidentally touch. Or she changes directions and goes a different way if she sees me in time. I must say, I find it rather annoying. 

The worst part is that I can’t stop thinking about her. If I didn’t feel the way I did, maybe it wouldn’t bug me as much. I mean, probably still a little bit. Who likes being ignored, right? Anyway, whenever I can’t see her, I’m thinking about her. And when I do see her, I feel a pang of longing and sadness. 

By the end of the day, I am determined to speak to her, and get her to finally talk to me about what’s wrong. I don’t even go up to my own locker after class, and instead head straight towards hers. 

She is just packing up her things when I stop in the spot next to her. From just the side of her face, I see a flash of panic cross her features, but I ignore it. She doesn’t acknowledge my presence at all - doesn’t even look at me. 

I clear my throat and say, “Kari, we need to talk.” A few seconds pass in silence before I try again. “I don’t really know exactly what’s going on, but I would like to. Okay, Satoshi gave me some ideas, but I want to hear it straight from you.” Again, silence. 

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