Chapter 6: Kari

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It was over the weekend that I decided I want to see Ryu more. Sure I have a whole class with him, and he even seems to have started walking with me between classes, but this weekend the realization just hit me: he was never far from my thoughts. At the most random times I would realize that I had been thinking about him. During dinner, folding laundry, attempting to do homework. It was like I could hardly concentrate on anything without thinking of him.

This morning I woke up and my first thought was, I get to see Ryu today! It almost surprised me to realize that I've missed him. All weekend I had been thinking about him because I wanted to see him. I have made the decision that I'm going to ask him if he wants to eat lunch with me today. Now all I have to do is follow through on that decision.

All day I am anxious for art class. The hours drag by slowly as I watch the clock throughout every class. Willing the bell to ring and for the hours to go by faster. I eat my lunch as fast as I can and leave for class way before I have to.

I get to class early and sit at my seat, butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. For me, this is a really big risk. Usually I just leave people alone and try not to interfere with their lives. I don't think that will work this time. This time, I have to do something.

The minutes until the beginning of class seem to drag by slowly at the same time they are moving too fast. I try not to look at the clock as I wait, and that causes me to jump slightly when it rings since I was not expecting it.

My heart hammers in my chest as I watch the stream of students walk through the door.

As soon as I see Ryu, my heart stops for a second before kicking back into overdrive. As soon as he enters the room his eyes drift instantly to my seat.

Our eyes lock and time seems to stop. At least it does for me. He flashes me one of his signature smiles and waves at me. I exhale a breath I didn't realize I had been holding and smile back as he makes his way to his seat next to me.

"Hey Kari," he says as he sits down.

"Hi Ryu," I reply, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear with a slightly shaky hand. I am so nervous. I hope he doesn't notice.

"How was your weekend?" he asks.

"It was good."

"Ready for that math test?"

"I hope so." I open my mouth to say something else, then I close it again. I don't know what to say. I want to ask him about eating lunch with me, but the words won't come out. I close my mouth and we just look at each other. It feels like the space between us is alive with electricity. Curiosity sparks in his eyes and I feel my palms get damp. Finally the bell rings and I am the slightest bit relieved when we have to pay attention to the front of the class.

Ryu and I don't talk during class. Sometimes we will talk a bit during our work, but today both of us remain silent. At the end of class he asks if he can walk with me again and I say yes. Yet, once again, we are silent.

We get to my class and I take a deep breath, finally ready to ask him. But before I can he says, "is something wrong Kari? You've been quiet all period."

He looks concerned. Like the first day I met him. Has it really only been a week? I feel like I've known him my whole life. "Everything's fine, Ryu," I say. "There is something I wanted to ask you though."

Wary curiosity replaces the concern in his eyes. I take a deep breath and, before I can chicken out, I quickly ask, "do you want to eat lunch with me tomorrow?"

He looks surprised by my question. That surprise is soon replaced with joy as he smiles the biggest and brightest smile I have ever seen.

He chuckles a little. "I would love to, Kari."

A brief laugh escapes me as well. "Really?" I ask as a weight seems to lift off my chest.

He nods enthusiastically. "Of course."

I feel the biggest smile spread across my own face and I say a silent prayer of thanks. "Great. Awesome! I'll meet you outside of the cafeteria?" I ask.

"Sounds good."

"Alright, guess I'll see you at lunch tomorrow then."

"Yeah. See you then," he is still smiling and looking at me as he starts to walk backwards. Then he turns around and disappears around the corner.

I continue to stand there for a moment, just smiling. The smile stays on my face as I walk into class and take my seat. Then the bell rings and the teacher hands out our test papers.

The smile slowly falls from my face as I try to remember what I need to know for the test. We turn the paper over and I try to concentrate on answering the questions in front of me.

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