Watch the clock.

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I sat there, so close to him that i could feel his breath on my neck. I wasn't listening for most of the conference just watching, watching the hands on the clock tick as time went by, it felt like a century not and hour. I was eager to leave the room, i began to tap my foot as we were halfway through the meeting but Enzo nudged me with his leg as if he was telling me to stop. Bastard. So instead i started tapping my pen against the table, in which Enzo replied to with another nudge. What a cunt. Instead I put the pen in my mouth and chewed on the end, to which he reply with another nudge, did this man really have a problem with everything i did? This time i wouldn't stop what i was doing for him, so i kept chewing on the end, to make it even better i watched his every move as i did so until he pulled out a sticky note and wrote something on it whilst he was talking, he then stuck it onto a piece of scrap and slowly slid it on the table towards me. It read:

'That's my pen you're chewing on darling.. <3'

I nearly gagged as i read it, i yanked the pen out of my mouth and wiped my tongue with the sleeve of my jumper, but what made this even worse was that my cozy cropped jumper left a shit ton of little pieces of yarn in my mouth, OH and don't forget that everyone at this point was staring at me, especially one person. Enzo, he gave me that side eye and chuckled slightly which i could tell surprised the others in the room, even himself as he quickly re-adjusted and covered him mouth slightly then continued talking. I sat there for the rest of that bloody conference, embarrassed and with a mouth full of yarn. To make things worse i had no pen to write with, because i knew damn well i wasn't going to use his pen, and, well i didn't have one of my own as i had assumed i didn't need one for a conference on my first day.

The clock kept ticking as the time went on, and on, and on. When finally i heard those sweet sweet words,

"Thank you all for listening you may see yourselves out."

Thank god. I rushed to pack all my things so i could leave that damn room.

"Apart from you Miss Baudelaire."

Me?! Why me. I did not need this right now. Alone in a room with him. Enzo fucking Ramirez.

AUTHORS NOTE:   Hello darlings! Just wanted to apologise for the writing quality, i'm only 15 lmao, anyways smut is coming in the next chapter lovlies so idk prepare yourself ig. :)

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