Chapter 9

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Your POV

"He didn't want to leave" David tells me.
"What do ya mean?" I ask, confused.
"We tried to get him out, but he refused to leave" He says.

My jaw clenched. Why would he do that? He's probably up to something.

David and I keep walking to the town square, where all newsies are protesting. I see Race and Spot and walk up to them.

"Hey, hey, hey, break it up" Spot says to some newsies. I see him looking at something, he then looks at Race, then at me. I look at what he was looking at. Some scabber?

Wait, that's no scabber. That's jack?!

"Tell me I'm seeing things, just tell me I'm seeing things" Spot says.

"You ain't seeing things Spot, that's Jack!" I say  in fury.

"What's he doin?" Racetrack asks. I see Spot tightly holding onto his cane.

"Jack, jack, look at me. It's me, Mush" Mush tries to talk to him "what are ya doin Jack?" Jack just avoids his gaze.

"Come on, what is this?" Boots asks

"Where did ya get them clothes Jack?" Race asks angrily.

"Mr. Pulitzer picked them out himself" The Weasel says, who's standing next to him "A special gift to a new employee"

"He sold us out!" I yell.

"I'll give ya a new suit myself m, ya bum!!" Race says "I'll soak ya"

"Hey, hey, let me get my hand dirty!" Spot yells. He throws himself at the 2 bulls "come here, ya dirty rotten scabber!!"

I just keep standing there, glaring at my brother.

"Aw, you two wanna talk to him?" Weasel asks "Come on, go ahead". He lets me and David through. I can't believe him right now, he sold us out.

"This is why you didn't escape last night?" David asked. "You lied to us, you lied about everything. You lied to ya friends, your sibling." I tell him.

"You lied about your name" David tells him.
"You lied about our parents, they ain't out west." I tell him, with tears in my eyes.

For years, he told me that our parents where looking for a place in Santa Fe. He told me beautiful stories about the place, but now it all ends up being a lie.

"Whatcha gonna do about it? Gonna cry about it y/n?" Jack says.
"It's like I don't even know you anymore" I mutter.

"Lemme spell it out for ya y/n. I gotta look out for myself. I can't deal with ya all the time."

"You had the newsies" David said.

"What's the newsies get me? A dime a day and a black eye? I can't afford to be a kid no more Davey. I got money in my pockets, real money." Jack says.

"Well that's all good! I yell "we don't need ya!"

"All those words you said, they weren't yours. They were ours" David said. Gesturing to me and him.

"And ya never had the guts to put them across, did ya?" Jack asks.

"We do now."

David starts to walk away, but I keep standing.
"I just got one more thing to say" I tell them.

"Then say it" Weasel tells me.

I swing my arm and punch Jack in the jaw. I then turn around and walk back to the other Newsies.

"Traitor!" Spot yells at Jack.
"I trusted you!" Boots says
"Seize the day, huh, Jack?" Race now joins in.

"He's fooling them, he's a spy or something" Les says. The poor kid still has hope...
"Come on Les, we're going home" David says to his younger brother.

"Guess I'm done here then" Spot says to me.
"You're just gonna leave now?" I ask him angrily.
"Your brudda sold us out, I ain't got no reason te be here anymore"
"No reason? What about me?" I raise my voice at him.

He looks at me. He looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn't. He just turns around and walks back with his newsies.

He left

Same time, Same place - Spot Conlon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now