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All my followers is my child.

I always say they're precious.

I told you I'm smiling.

But behind every smile.. there's a story..which no one can understand it.

Seriously no one.

We're not same. We have different stories.

But Eomma always love you.

Even though it hurts..just smile.

Smile when it hurts, laugh when you feel like you want to cry and stand up when you're about to fall.

Be yourself. If you feel like dying, remember that your soul never die.
It's always there in deep inside yourself. Don't worry if you don't find it, you can feel it.

Imagination may be hurt you, but it makes you happy and full of hope.

No one is hopeless. Remember this word.

You lost someone?
You lost yourself?

You have a map. And that's your instincts. Ask yourself, why you live? Why you dead?

There's no reason. Because the reason already inside you.

Feeling insecure, feeling numb, have trust issues?

Trust yourself. You're stronger than you think, you're beautiful than you see and you're braver than you feel.

Sometimes it's just hard for you to believe someone when you have trust issues. It's okay. Don't force yourself to believe them. They need to respect your privacy too.

Have you ever heard of love is blind?

You think it's the answer of love?
No honey. It's not.

No one can describe what's the truly meaning of love.

If love is blind, then why they have love at the first sight?

Don't ever let others make your decision life. It's your choice and your own life anyways.

Don't worry if you choose a wrong choice, because it will give you the right lessons.

Last warning,

You're precious to this world. 💜
I purple you. UwU

*now I need to restock my UwUs*

I DON'T KNOW DAY 🌹Where stories live. Discover now