Chapter 1 - The Meeting

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He sat mindlessly in his own empty au, regretting his past decisions. The monochromatic skeleton cried silent tears, unable to comprehend or even dare remember his failed memories. He flopped onto his back, allowing his tears to stain his cheeks.

Meanwhile, the artist has noticed the offset balance of X-Tale and decided to have a little visit. He walked up to the black and white skeleton, speaking. " Hey.. what happened here? "

The skeleton below got startled, summoning his knife and pinning the walking rainbow to the ground. He held his knife to his throat and growled out his words, " What the fuck do you want?! "

" Woah, calm down there bud. " He blinked, his eyelights changing shape.

The skeleton above him snarled, his eyelights written in pain. " Do you need some help? I've come to ask, sorry in advance for scaring you. "

" I don't need anything, not from you. "

" Are you sure? You seem quite upset, and in need for a little guidance. "

He unsummoned his knife, backing away from him into his own respective space. " Why the hell do you wanna help me, and who the fuck even are you? " He asked, his voice seemingly emotionless.

The smaller skeleton spoke up, ready to explain himself. " I'm Ink! " He spoke cheerfully. " I'm the guardian of all Alternate Universes, and you must be Cross? Yes? "


He sat silently next to the small artist, well reserved to himself. " So. " Ink began, looking up to the taller. " Why did you kill them? " Cross glanced away, his question clearly painful. " I wanted to change my AU for the better, after Gaster had ruined it. I shortly realized I couldn't bring them back, and regret everything I've done up to this point. "

Ink nodded, seemingly understanding of his situation. " Quick question. "

" Hm? "

" Why do you look like an Oreo? " He glanced at him, innocently.

" Why do you look like a unicorns left overs? " He snickered.

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