✄ results

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It's the next morning and I had made an appointment yesterday with the doctors for today to check up on everything and make sure that the results are correct.

I had to somehow slip out of bed without Jack noticing. What do I say to him if he wakes up? I can't tell him I'm going to the doctors because he will come with me and I don't need that right now.

"Woah Elise, where are you sneaking off to?" Jack mumbled with his raspy voice.

"Uhh... ermmm I'm just going to get coffee with Mel." I think of a quick reply.
I don't know a Mel what the fuck?

"Who's Mel?? She's not a guy is she?"

"No no nooooo, she's my high school friend. Just going for a catch up." I replied

Phewwww that was close

"Okay have fun." Jack said and went back to sleep.

I get to the doctors and I'm waiting in the waiting room patiently, my anxiety is through the roof right now, I'm playing with my rings, Bouncing my leg up and down...
Am I even ready to be a mother? No I'm just over thinking this. But what if Jack thinks this is too quick? We've only been dating for a few months.

I have all the time in the world to prepare for some sort of reveal since Jack won't be home when I'm finished with this since he had to go to football training.

"Elise Wood."
A voice says from the waiting room.
I assume it's my time for the appointment so I get up and follow the nurse.

"Lay on the bed lovely. Now I've heard this appointment is to confirm some pregnancy results?"

"Yes. Yes it is." I said shaking.

She puts this gel on my stomach then starts looking on the machine they use.
(a/n: I don't know what it's called lol)

"Well you are around 10 weeks now."

10 WEEKS?!?!? What the fuck since when.

"Oh wait so I'm pregnant?" Elise questioned the nurse.

"Yes very pregnant." She let out a smile.

I shed out a tear in panic and in excitement. Will I be having a little Grealish running around? Or will they be more like me?

"You'll be fine darling. come back to me if you need a checkup, I'll give you my name so you can ask for me when you get appointments okay?"

"Yes okay, thank you so much."
After that I asked her to print some pictures off.

Jack <3 xx

Why are you at the doctors?
I can see your Snapchat location
Must be a glitch,
I'm at the cafe with Mel.
Read 9:40

Gosh that was scary close.

I went back home to Tyrones and luckily Jack wasn't there. I had a few hours before he came back so I just placed the baby pictures on the counter and I'll get them later on.

I started looking at baby clothes already not even knowing the gender because I was too excited. But after many many minutes of scrolling I was dozing off so I decided to take a nap on the sofa.

I  was woken up by the door being unlocked.
Shit! That's definitely Jack, the baby pictures are on the counter.
I'm fucked.

Jack walks into the house.

since the kitchen was the first room in the house before getting to the living room he obviously had to pass the kitchen and he will obviously see the pictures.
I heard his bag drop on the floor and next thing I heard was

"Elise come here." With a firm tone, almost like he was angry?

"Yes babe." I answered with a shaking in my voice.

"What is this?" He looks at me, face looking like murder is on his mind.

"baby ultrasound..."

"You hid this from me?" He looked at me disappointed.

"No. Listen to me." I walked towards him.

"All this vomiting did make me think I could be pregnant but I didn't know how you to felt towards kids so Thats why I didn't blame my pregnancy for the sickness. Then yesterday I took a test and it was positive, I went to the doctors today to confirm that the results were correct and if there was any issues... I'm 10 weeks along. And I didn't tell you because I'm not sure what you would say because you're always busy with football and yesterday I didn't say anything because I wanted to make a special reveal for you." I look down from him.

He scoffs..
"come here" he said and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm going to be a dad? And so what about football. I will always make time for you, I'll take a few months off football. Dean will understand."

"Mhm." I whisper in his ear.

"I love you so much Elise, so much."

"I love you too."

𝐔𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒 •• 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑Where stories live. Discover now