Chapter 2 - Wife, Knight, Bishop & Grace.

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Aleistor was in the Country that The original Regulus Destroyed, Yes, the very same country that the Regulus Corneas the infamous Sin Archbishop of Greed Destroyed.

At the time before receiving his power's he lived on the outskirts of this Dukedom, He considered everyone a violation upon his right's and so he killed thousands of innocent bystanders in a single day, burned down the royal capital and was the cause of the Dukedoms Disappearance.

'But one thing doesn't make sense.. I am in- No I am Regulus now and I am clearly standing besides said capitol of the country that I destroyed in the original Story,'

Perhaps I yet to have destroyed it? Wait but what about the village that I supposedly grew up in? Did I destroy it? Wait did I just suddenly "Posses" Regulus while he was making his way to the middle of the capitol to start his onslaught? Ugh This is confusing.

Let's start by going back to the capitol asking a few questions and then start the search for a wife.

After all 5 Seconds is- and don't get me wrong having 5 seconds of complete invincibility is awesome and all, But having it permanently on will be required for my Satisfaction.

「From this point on I will refer to Aleistor as Regulus」

As Regulus continued to wander around searching for preferably someone of a kin to a knight to ask a few questions, he began to take in his surrounding and listen to the conversations around him.

Finally spotting a few people that looked like knight's who seem to be conversing about something he decided to wait it out and ask them as they finish.

This is when the conversation they where having became extremely vital to him.

Knight #1: I do wish that the new rookies behave them self, still can't forget the last years recruits.

Knight #2: C'mon stop blaming yourself there was nothing you or anyone could do. It was their fault they rushed into that crazy maniac.

Knight #1: Still how were they supposed to know they were going up agains a frisking Vollachian General!

Knight #2: If it make ya feel better it wasn't out or their fault it was the stupid emperor's and lugnicia's king that let the Crazy bastard rouge! They should've kept their politics to them selfs but no! lets try and make a revolution in each other's backyards.

Knight #1: Still the nobles are taking up all of the actually good knight's while sending the recruits to the destroyed village! What if its some rouge general or Royal guard from those countries?

Knight #2: Look we don't know if it was one of those crazy General's or prideful knights , for all we know it can be some rouge mage or something.

Knight #1: What mage can flatten an entire village! Hell I bet The dragon kingdom's Court Mage will have trouble doing that and making sure no one survives!

Regulus - 'Village Destroyed? Was that me? I mean if I calculated the timeline correctly then I should have just received the Witch Factor, Meaning...

that it's about time I destroy this pathetic country that infringed upon my right's. But I do want to give it a chance and see if this country perhaps houses a few fine maidens I could take as my wife's.'

Hmm Yes yes, I should- Hmm?

Right as he was deciding what to do next Regulus gazed upon a person that was walking towards his direction.

She was a Beautiful young woman with blue sapphire eye's and white pastel hair that was neither long neither short, one detail that stood out to Regulus in particle was her single Blue earring on her left ear. Normally not a lot of people would notice that but it stuck a cord with Regulus as he happened to be wearing the same blue sapphire earring on his right ear.

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