4: Undercover No.1

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"Natsu, could you fluff the rice for me? Add a bit of oil to it too-ah its burning!" Fuyumi scrambled to pull the pan off the stove. She wasn't very good at cooking yet. Their nanny used to cook all their lunches and make snacks, and their mother cooked dinner without any help from anyone except Touya, who wouldn't be any help. But that was beside the point, the point was Fuyumi wasn't very good, but she was trying her best to provide for her family. 

She never made the same meal twice in a row, made sure all their lunches had protein and vegetables. That was some pretty grown up stuff. The small family settled down around the kitchen table, Shoto digging in before Natsuo and Fuyumi could even finish saying thank you for the food. 

"Is it good?" The 10 year old asked nervously, hoping the response would be okay. Natsuo nodded, his mouth full of rice. "Shwo gwood." Shoto said, nodded seriously, like it was incredibly important for her to know that. 

Fuyumi smiled proudly. Another small victory. 

The next victory did not come so easily. "Go chase him Yumi!" Natsuo shouted, a big grin on his face. Fuyumi rushed down the hallway, her socks nearly making her slip and fall. Shoto squealed and ran as fast as his tiny toddler legs could carry him. 

"No no no no no!" He shouted in a hushed voice, curling himself into a closet. "No bath.". 

"Yes bath." His sister announced, opening the doors and flooding the space with light. 

"No bath." The half and half 5 year old said, his lips jutted out in a pout. Fuyumi laughed fondly and dragged her little brother to his feet. 

"Come on, moms not here so we can use her fancy bubble bath." The older sibling offered. Shoto debated it for a second, but decided that it was a fair deal. "I like bubbles." Was all he said in response. Fuyumi was excellent at reading both her brothers, and understood that it was a 'yes'. 

----- ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ 

After making sure both her younger brothers had brushed their teeth and were safe in bed after their father came home, Fuyumi took the familiar trail to the burnt forest behind their neighborhood. 

There, as per every Monday and Wednesday, was Sasaki Mirai. Or 'Sir' as Fuyumi had taken to calling him. He was bundled in a cardigan and scarf despite the fact it was summer. He caught colds super easily, what could he say?

"Yumi." The sidekick greeted as the little girl stopped in front of him. She looked exhausted. He had never seen someone so young with such dark circles under their eyes. Of course he had realized before that calling her out here at night was a problem, but it was obvious this had come from somewhere else. "You look tired.". 

The girl laughed a little, embarrassed by her mentor's observation. "I haven't slept well since-" Fuyumi's eyes narrowed. It wasn't like Sir knew who she was, or that anyone knew their mother was gone, so she should be able to tell him. "Since my mom got sick and had to leave.". 

Sasaki's eyes went wide but softened almost instantly after. He had figured there would be at least one absent parent in the girl's life, especially since she seemed to be sneaking out at odd hours to meet with him. 

"Why don't we do something easy today, huh? I wont make you run or lift anything heavy, just use your quirk.". The girl nodded, her turquoise eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Why don't you...knock that tree over." He suggested, pointing to an obviously dead but still standing tree. It would be a good gauge for if he had to work on power or control with her. 

Fuyumi nodded and turned to face the tree. Sparks flickered at her small fingertips as she readied her quirk. Sasaki supposed they'd have to work on shortening her 'charge up' time. 

Suddenly, seemingly out of no where, a massive crack of blue lighting hit the tree, shattering it to bits. The pro hero grabbed his student by her sweater collar and shielded her behind him as bits of wood and ice were thrown at them. 

Fuyumi looked excited and proud of herself. The tree was obliterated. Sasaki on the other hand was mildly horrified. 

He was going to need some serious help. 

----- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- 

At their first morning session, the following Sunday, Sasaki brought a friend. Fuyumi didn't recognize him as a pro hero, so maybe he wasn't, or he was retired. His cheeks were sunken in and his pupils were the same colour as his sclera. The new man's blond hair stood up at all sorts of angles. It was a little suspicious, but she didn't want to question her teacher. He was a pro hero after all, and All Might's sidekick. He wouldn't bring anyone that would hurt her, besides, this new guy had a friendly smile. 

He introduced himself as Yagi and asked if she could repeat what she did last time to another tree. This time Sir made her hide mostly behind a rock with them so they could see what happened but not get hurt. 

Yagi watched intensely as the sparks built in her hands, gasping when Fuyumi concentrated them into one beam and shot them out at the tree. The ground around them turned frozen from the beam and the tree once again turned to splinters. Fuyumi smiled again, in awe of the ability she didn't think she had. 

Sir looked at Yagi with a 'I told you so' sort of expression, to which Yagi shook his head. He seemed to contemplate his response for a little longer than most people do. 

"You want to be a hero, right, Young Yumi?" He asked. Fuyumi was a little confused but nodded. "Well a lot of being a hero is control. You have amazing power, but you could hurt those who you try to protect if you're not careful.". Fuyumi nodded solemnly and looked down. She was embarrassed at how proud she was now. Her father was right, no matter what she just wasn't suited to being a hero. 

"Don't get discouraged!" Yagi said, waving his hands around frantically. "You'll be an excellent hero! With enough control you'll be able to use your lightening with the force behind it or just with the ice. That way you can minimize your destruction of public property. I'll help you come up with some strategies.". 

"You...you think I'd make a good hero?" The 10 year old asked, pure shock written across her face. Yagi's expression softened. 

"From what I hear you have a lot to protect, so you're already ahead of half the pros out there.". 


Welcome back! I'm sorry for the massive delay, my life's been a little balls to the walls recently. 

Idk if I mentioned this before, but this series is meant to replace Liar in the update schedule since there's only one more chapter left there (I don't want it to end, that's why I haven't updated it in ages.) but I am worried about having a non oc story replace an oc story. 

There's a pretty big gap between where oc and non oc stories view counts, and I'm not blind to them. I'm not complaining about views or worrying this series wont be as popular as my others at all, I love each and ever view I receive, but its more about what the people who read my content really want to see. 

If any of you have suggestions as to what you guys would like to see from what I'm calling the '3rd Gen' of my stories I'm all ears. 

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