1: Starry Night

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Someone, somewhere, perhaps on television once said 'The heart of a true hero is a heart that feels fear and acts regardless'. 

She didn't think she had the heart of a hero. How could she? Everyone told Fuyumi she was weak from the moment she was born. Hero wasn't even an option for me as a toddler. Her father wanted a son to succeed him and surpass All Might so she was ruled out before she even developed a quirk. 

So why was Fuyumi the one moving? 

Why was she the one who shoved her own mother back? The one who's quirk stopped anyone else from getting burned? Why was She one who pulled Shoto to the bathroom? 

She didn't have the heart of a hero. 

So why? 

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Fuyumi had barely entered the kitchen when it happened. She just wanted to talk to her grandma and Natsuo had said that their mother was calling her. 

The 10 year old had barely slid from the shiny hard wood floors onto the kitchen tile when it happened. One second, Shoto was just standing there, perfectly fine, the next her mother had holding the kettle over his head and a scream rang out. 

There's a noise humans make when they're in that much pain. Fuyumi would probably never forget that noise. 

It didn't take long for her brain to catch on to what was happening and act. Blue lighting leaped out from Fuyumi's hands without her permission, nailing the kettle against the wall as ice formed around it, keeping it in place. She pushed her own mother back as she reached for Shoto. The lighting jumped around the room, covering pretty much everything it touched with a thick layer of frost. 

Her mother screamed, falling back as Natsuo ran towards the room to see what was happening. Fuyumi calmed down after hearing the scream, her eyes wet with tears. Quickly she grabbed Shoto under his arms and pulled his sobbing form to her body, running faster then she thought possible to the bathroom. 

Ice was bad for burns. Everyone in their home knew that, so she got a wet cloth and placed it over the bright red flesh covering half her brother's face. Natsuo was crying, saying something as he locked the door to the bathroom with their mom's cellphone in his hands. 

At some point Fuyumi registered that he was calling 911, but the whole world felt like it was underwater. She couldn't hear what Natsuo was telling the operator over Shoto's screams of anguish or the noise of someone pounding on the bathroom door, trying to get in. 

She couldn't let them in. She didn't even know who they were, but she couldn't. They would hurt her brothers. They would hurt her. 

Everyone would hurt them. 

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Natsuo and Fuyumi went to school hand in hand the next day. The nanny who had been in the house was fired. Their mother had been taken away while the ambulance took Shoto and their father to the hospital. 

But no, they weren't injured so they should go to school. Except Natsuo, who hit his head falling as he ran to the bathroom and Fuyumi's arms which were littered with tiny burns from the hot water her quirk had failed to save her from. Or the bruise on her upper arms from where her father hit her after seeing what her quirk had done to the kitchen. 

But Natsuo's hair had been combed to cover his forehead and Fuyumi was wearing long sleeves, so it was fine. Fuyumi's arms trembled as Natsuo cried outside his classroom. He didn't want her to go to her own class. He didn't want to be apart from another one of his siblings ever again. It only took 5 minutes for a teacher to pull them apart and escort Fuyumi to her own class though. 

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