Wicca One : Enchanted Part 1

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Salem, Massachusetts 1663

A young African witch was running as an angry mob of witch hunters was on her tale. She went back to her cottage and used a protection spell to lock the door. She grabs her cauldron and puts the strongest of magic potions she has into the cauldron.

She knew she was running out of time, she knew she needed to do what she needed to do quickly. She does one last thing before chanting her spell: she grabs a small knife and cuts her wrist. her blood drips into the cauldron making it spark. She uses her magic to create the strongest spell she ever created.

" My time has come to an end but before I'm put to rest I'll use every once of my magic to ensure our future." She digs deep down and finally starts the spell.

" Oh Ancestors thee I give my powers to four witch siblings in need, they will be the strongest form of good magic the world I have ever seen, wabariki ndugu wanne wachawi kuwa kama watakuwa Wachawi! (bless the four witch siblings to be as they will be The Enchanted Ones!)." She proclaimed as the cottage started to shake. The cauldron shacked ferociously as the potion showed the future before exploding causing the young witch to lose her magic and fall to the ground unconsciously.  her magic gone, so was the protection spell as the witch hunters burst through the door to see the witch sprawled out on the floor.

OCTOBER 15, 2021

At the Williams Club the music was booming as everyone was dancing, even a young Roman as he danced with his roommate Jeffrey. Jeffrey looks over to Rey who was working the bar and turns to ask Roman a question. " Hey, have you talked to your brother?"

" No I haven't! I haven't spoken to any of them since eight months ago."  Roman responds.

" Come on! You guys are awesome together. I wish I was like that with my family." Jeffery rolled his eyes.

" I don't know ever since what happened and then what went down. I don't think we will ever speak again." 

Rey looks at his brother dancing and enjoying himself. " why don't you just go there and speak to him?" his best friend Marcus comes over with more alcohol to put on the shelves.

" I don't think he wants to speak to me. I'll let him have his space."  Rey breaks his attention away from the dance floor to Marcus.

" You've been wanting to speak to him for months now, just go speak." Rey looks down and starts to sadden to the fact he can't even speak to his little brother without being sacred to.

Marcus puts his hand over Rey's shoulder. " He's your little brother. He looks up to you so just talks to him."

" I will when he isn't dancing and talking to Jeffrey." Rey says with all his attention on the dude talking to Roman.

" When you do talk to him tell Roman said hey!" Marcus says with excitement in his voice.

" Aye calm down, that's my little brother." Rey turns to check him.

" Just saying." Marcus smiles going back to stocking the shelves.

Ruby is at the club sitting down in a booth drinking with her best friend Sierra. " The brothas here are fine!" She says eyeing some of the guys.

" You ain't lying like that fine gentlemen right there." Sierra says as they turn their attention to the fine man drinking with his friends.

" He's making me think about marriage and starting a family all in one night." Sierra starts fanning herself.

" Girl, calm down with your horny self!" She laughs at Sierra craziness.

" So when are we going to dress the elephant in the room?" Sierra takes a sip of her drink.

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