Afterwords, Introduction and Side Story

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Hey all, this is Rita.

As you see, the story is finally ending.

I believe (and agree) it can be more elaborate and beautiful ending but I decided to end it that way.

I sincerely thanks to all viewers and voters on my first ever published story on wattpad.

I used to write for my own fun and hobby but wattpad has given me a chance to publish my work to share with anyone that take interest in my way of story telling.

As english is not my first language, I still need to work hard to present my story. Either it's now or in the future. So thank you so much for bearing with me!

Lastly, I will publish another one or two side stories that I feel like I need to share with you for either Wakasa or/and Senju just because I love happy endings!

I also feel bad for all the ones who rooted for Wakasa. But don't worry, I love him too. I might create another new story focusing just on him. So stay tune <3

So it's time to say sayonara, bye bye!

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